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Old July 17th, 2004
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Lord of the Rings Lord of the Rings is offline
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If it's the car where you want to play them, then it seems a full-audio CD is what you require (unless you have an iPod with xtras to connect to your car audio). Then it's a maximum 74-80 min CD you will have. Yes Memorex are fine, (I haven't tried them myself but I've heard they're quite OK.) Try one out & see how it goes. Yes perhaps, you might need to sacrifice one or so to see if it does work ok!. If it does, then it reinforces my point about your comp. configuration having some type of a problem! Put together the songs you would like to put together, so if it does work, you don't waste a disk!

700 MB disks will hold roughly 79 min 54 sec of music max'm. 650 MB Disks hold about 74 min 14 secs appox. That'll give you a reasonable guide as to how you can fit & arrange your tunes as to how it pleases you! Do this first before you burn your 1st one so you don't waste with an experimental one!

Last edited by Lord of the Rings; July 17th, 2004 at 03:19 PM.
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