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Old July 19th, 2004
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Lord of the Rings Lord of the Rings is offline
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Just a quick respinse until somebody else answers it. Which OS X version do you have? Personally I gave up on 3rd party font managers b'c I found Font Book did the job so well (& it's a generic mac app. so there's no compatiblilty issues with any mac app.) There could be some type of a clash b'w the 2 apps. You 'might' find it clashes with more than one app. Are you sure you have the most recent update & how old is the update (remember Mac OSX updates fairly often.) Chances are Font Reserve version you have is not fully up-to-date whether they've since released an update or not.
Font Book also allows you to add OS 9 fonts (if you have a dual OS) & add fonts for various collections such as for web, apps, OS9, OSX, overall or specific purposes. I don't think it has a repair utility as some 3rd party font apps have though. It's an alternative, & if one font manager is giving you probs, then it's maybe time to look at another. Mac OSX is forever developing & changing!

Last edited by Lord of the Rings; July 19th, 2004 at 03:45 PM.
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