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Old July 21st, 2004
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Lord of the Rings Lord of the Rings is offline
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Sounds like a permissions issue! Have you repaired privileges & checked that it is setup to suit your usage. When I 1st used OSX I was shocked & confused to find I couldn't do certain things such as add files to certain locations. However, I've since set it up so I can do 'almost' everything anywhere on my OSX partition. Check your folder info for each area where you're trying to install (read & write permissions). I'm far away from an OSX whizz or mac os whizz for that matter, but I've picked things up bit by bit. And you will too. When yo change permissions, etc. restart just to be on the safe side to make sue your changes have taken effect. If not, you may need to re-dabble. Hope this is of some type of help. I hate to profess about something I don't necessarily have a complete hand on. Get back to us to see how you go. There's other OSX users out there incl. on the forum who probably know better than I.
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