I suppose that depends upon a no. of things. Your quality of net connection at the time & how you have your prefs set for quality showing. Personally I believe the more resources you get (even if they're only low rating & unreliable) the better chance you'll have of dwnlding from more than one source. Dwnlds can be affected by a no. of things such as how many sources are available, how good their net connection is, their upld bandwidth offered, how busy they are (they might be sharing their bandwidth with many others), & how many sources there are (all might be affected by the prior reasons). If you're on cable you might be affected by local traffic! Also search results can be affected by general net traffic (particularly if it includes international) & gnutella traffic. At certain times of the day or diff't days of the week you will receive diff't types of search results depending who's online & how the diff't modes of net traffic affect it!
Last edited by Lord of the Rings; July 21st, 2004 at 05:50 PM.