Originally posted by sberlin Many people consider the filtering of results to be a good improvement, making their lives easier. If you are not fond of it, you can turn it off via the View menu, under Show/Hide -> Search -> Filter Results.
One of the goals for 4.2 is to streamline the GUI. |
He specifically stated that he liked the idea of filters, did you read the post?
He simply offered that there might be a better way to implement the feature, and I agree 100%. But then you've got some strange affinity for keeping things the way they are instead of making them better. The first rendition is rarely the best.
Instead of a series of list item boxes with choices, allow a single text entry field.
Instead of selecting "AVI" from a list, just type ".avi" in to the text field. Want to find all MP3s between 3 minutes and 3m30s, type: ".mp3 3m0s-3m30s" in the text field. This would also allow for negative filtering, and filtering based on filename and annotations. "-.wav" would remove all WAV files from view.
This eliminates the need for about 85% of the screen that is taken up by the current filter selection mechanism.