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Old July 24th, 2004
boo_hoooo boo_hoooo is offline
Join Date: July 24th, 2004
Location: Shelton, WA
Posts: 4
boo_hoooo is flying high
Question Down Load Woes

Ok. I have been using Lime wire free for a very very long time off and one (go through spurts...LOL) I just downloaded the newest version of it and have a weirdness issue I guess. I am on DSL and think I have the options set up right, but I am spending a LOT of time with my files saying they are waiting in line, awaiting sources, waiting for busy hosts and just not going anywhere. Then one finally "connects" right and it will sit there and say it's downloading and after 10 minutes it's downloaded 0% and the speed =0 and a few minutes later is back to awaiting resources, needing resources or waiting for busy host. Now the same file could do this three or four times in an hour. Did I really just manage to pick the wrong files to want to download? If I have too many (over 4 or 5) at one time does it lock up limewire and confuse it?? I always thought before if I had 20 or 30 files, it was just going in order of what it could find downloading and moving on to the next set.. Am I miss remembering??

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