Thread: Descargas
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Old July 24th, 2004
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Lord of the Rings Lord of the Rings is offline
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I think the section of the forum you're looking for is:
Dwnlds can stop for many reasons. An example is if the source disconnects, or becomes busy, or you just lose the connection with them for a no. of reasons such as their bandwidth you see is weak & there's no other sources available or free at that time. One way to get a file to start to dwnld if it stops is to do another search for sources of that file, another is to cancel it from the dwnld list & then reselect it from the search window (this is a good technique!) Sometimes you just have to be patient. Maybe even wait a few days until that file is able to start dwnlding again. This is particularly the case if there's not many people who have that file. It can be annoying & frustrating if a file stops dwnlding when it's almost finished. It happens to us all! Maybe even the source deliberately discontinued its upload. Just be patient. Not all files will complete dwnlding in one go for one reason or another,
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