Thread: freeloaders
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Old July 31st, 2004
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Lord of the Rings Lord of the Rings is offline
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I love the way you word your posts. I don't know why you should be so self-conscious b/c we're all basically anonymous anyway. I can only answer one part of your questions (murasame would be best at the other questions.) Many people like myself only have a dialup connection & I only achieve around 5-6 KB/s dwnld. If I'm dwnlding more than one file or the connection to the other party is not very good, it might be less. Also, people with better connections will often spread their dwnlds b/w several files so the speed they may get for one file 'might' be small. I've noticed that if I change my upld speed it seems to upset the uplders & they drop off after a few secs. - even when I've put it to unlimited. I don't know why this is. Do you use a firewall? Have you made sure you've maximised your upld/dwnld speeds according to your connection. There's threads discussing this here & the Upld/Dwnld section (Maximizing upload/download Success LimeWire).
My thoughts were that the threads you were refering to tended to forget about people like me.
So where are your arms now?

Last edited by Lord of the Rings; July 31st, 2004 at 12:03 PM.
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