Depends which os you use. I've heard there's boosters for pc connections. But face it. Your modem connection has a max. And all these apps would do is maximise it to that at best. I too have a 56k modem, which of course is theoretical anyway. According to techs I've spoken to, in the real world 56k modems actually only obtain around 30-35k in practice. To macimixe your dwnld, male sure somebody is dwnlding from you. & don't waste your bandwidth on your browsers. That's the only advice I can offer you. There's sure to be wiser people who answer on this forum. But might I suggest you read the 'Stickys' at the top of each forum section to help you maximise your optimisation of your p2p app. Either that, or go the expense of something better, which I've been considering (I'm don't have the cable option) such as broadband which at least releases your phone for 24 hrs a day. |