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Old August 3rd, 2004
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Lord of the Rings Lord of the Rings is offline
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If you’re changing both your dwnld & shared folders locations, try setting it up from scratch (at least initially.) Take these suggestions step by step! Until an experienced pc windows person arrives on the scene (hopefully), try going back to your options-Saving & select restore default & press apply. Then go back again, press Add & direct your way thru your volumes & directories & create a new folder from within LW. See if it allows you to do this & press apply (fingers crossed.) Do the same thing with your Shared folder(s). Go to options-Sharing & then create a new folder in the new location. If that works, transfer your shared files to this folder. Go back to LW & open your Lib window select this new shared folder & press Refresh. Just for the time being leave your incomplete files out. Start using LW & see how things go. Then reAdd your other shared folders. If that works OK, re-add your incomplete files to your incomplete folder (it could be in a new location so search to check.) Actually I don’t know if this is great advice, but it’s what I’d try.

Last edited by Lord of the Rings; August 3rd, 2004 at 12:14 PM.
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