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Old August 7th, 2004
russian_champagne russian_champagne is offline
Join Date: August 7th, 2004
Location: BC, Canada
Posts: 5
russian_champagne is flying high
Angry Limewire crashes my connection at any random time!!

This is so annoying! I have Mac OS X 10.1.5, newest version of Limewire (although all the previous versions I've had with OS X have done it, too), and at any random time while I'm using Limewire, my internet connection will just die. I have a crappy modem connection, but nothing else I run seems to have a problem with it. I don't have a firewall. And yes, I have read lots of other posts and searched for this problem, but the only thing I found is that people have a similar problem when they start or quit limewire, and that doesn't happen to me. It only happens at random times while I'm running it. I've tried lots of different things to make it stop, nothing works. What's wrong? I like Limewire...but this is just really annoying and frustrating! If anyone can help, thanks a lot.
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