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Old August 11th, 2004
Hilander Hilander is offline
Join Date: August 11th, 2004
Location: Texas
Posts: 19
Hilander is flying high

Originally posted by Lord of the Rings
Thanks for the clarification murasame. Not sure what the diff b'w awaiting more resources & need more... is; I guess it equates to the same thing. It's that time of the night for me. Enough & enough for this thread for me.

Oh just a last note you don't have to scan thru every thread in the forum. If you choose the searches I suggested above, you'll find your answer quicksmart believe me.

So how much gold will the greek goddesses bring home?
There is NO need for this type information to have to be dug out of a USERS forum. I never had to do it with any of the Sourceforge P2Ps. The meaning of every comment put up by the program should be clearly spelled out somewhere in the documentation or in the online FAQs NOT Hidden in comments on a voluntary forum. That's pure amateurism.

And, not that it matters, but I had already done ALL of the steps recommended in your linked messages. My complaint is that information which SHOULD be readily to hand seems to be only finable in these forus. or have you NOT looked at the "User's Guide" which is about as useful as a condom in a convent.

Last edited by Hilander; August 11th, 2004 at 09:16 PM.
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