The LimeWire 4.1.4 beta has been released. Pro users can download it from their personal download page. The free version is available at the
LimeWire Beta Page.
There are two major additions in LimeWire 4.1.4. These are iTunes integration on Windows and support for firewall-to-firewall transfers.
iTunes support uses the Digital Audio Access Protocol (DAAP), and was contributed by Roger Kapsi. This allows LimeWire to advertise its shared music as a playlist in iTunes. Recently downloaded files will appear as a sub-playlist titled "What's New". The master playlist's name can be changed (just like your shared playlist in iTunes can be changed) by going to Options (or Preferences on OSX) and choosing iTunes -> DAAP. You can also choose to turn this feature off (in the same options area) if you prefer not to share a playlist on iTunes. Note that this works on all operating systems.
Firewall to Firewall transfers allows two people behind firewalls to connect directly to each other and transfer data. This makes use of UDP, and a third party to coordinate the initial messaging. This is a huge increase in the efficiency of the network, because more than 60% of users are firewalled. Normally, firewalled users would only be able to download from other hosts who are not firewalled, which is of course severely limited. With firewall to firewall transfers, firewalled users can now access the full 100% of hosts. The benefits of this will become more visible as more users upgrade to the newer versions of LimeWire.
LimeWire 4.1.4 also included various minor bug fixes, such as:
- A fix to not always have an extra locale preferenced connection, if it wasn't needed.
- A fix for a potential deadlock when fetching GWebCaches.
- A fix to not construct illegal queries when resuming old downloads.
- A fix to allow OSX's FileChooser to select Files instead of just directories.
- Better handling of cases where Windows cannot load the required libraries for using the system tray or browser.
- Better handling of reading an empty m3u file.
- Support for allowing OSX with Java 1.4.2_05 to drag multiple files.
Thanks very much for your help in testing the betas! LimeWire 4.2 is very close, and we're positive that it will be a huge leap forward for file-sharing!
- The LimeWire Team