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Old August 14th, 2004
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I don't completely understand what you wrote. If you're refering to the Classic environmt starting up in OSX, then you cannot adjust the system's settings using the File exchange control panel. I presume you checked my advice in the other thread in OSX about how to startup from OS9 if you have a computer that is able to startup in OS9. There's noticeable difference b/w OS9 & the Classic environmt. One of them I've already mentioned, another is that apps don't always work that well & some utilities won't work at all. So the Classic Env. has a no. of limitations. To set your Classic startup go to OSX's System Preferences & on the last/2nd last row you'll see the Classic OS9 icon. Click this, this is where you can control the setting up of Classic, such as starting up in Classic as soon as you login (or immediately if you have autologin.) Another way to startup Classic is to open any OS9 only file or app. I'm not sure how well LW will run in the classic envt. It might/not work ok. But make sure you have the most recent update of Java for OS9. But I must say, you shouldn't have the file identity problem in OSX/Classic. If you have the appropriate app the will open the files, then there shouldn't be any issue in that regard. Tell me if I haven't answered your problem or you have a further question.
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