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Old August 14th, 2004
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Default All round compatibility - personalised

May I suggest/recommend a dwnld sight/link for previous versions of LW 3 & 4. From my period on the LW forum it's become obvious that some versions work well on some peoples systems & some not very well/not at all. Not just the rquests for previous versions, but the obvious solution often is suggesting just that. For example: v4.0.4 worked ok on some but not on others, likewise for 4.0.5 & 4.0.7, etc. But maybe just even one step back could fix the issue for many people. The individuality of each particular computer means that some of the slightest differences can make a difference. This is backed up by those who have upgraded to the next release w/o success but then returned to the previous version with the success they previously had.
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