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Old August 20th, 2004
LeeWare LeeWare is offline
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Default Re: Feeling Robbed

Originally posted by GagReflex
I've gotten tired of getting the Awaiting sources msgs so I paid my 18.88 for pro hoping it would get better. It didn't.

The older versions of Limewire seemed to do a better job, what happened?

I've tried to follow the suggestions posts. Frankly they seem to be more confusing than helpful, block or not to block, 4 stars 2 stars, slow fast, force, push, pull, ping and pong...who freaking cares? I just want to download a couple files and I'm tired if it appearing in the searches and seeing my file still awaiting sources or waiting for busy hosts. C'mon the file is either available or not, crap or get off the pot!!
Please see my response to Arlene -- Also keep in mind that paying for the program does not mean that you will magically be able to do things with it you couldn't do with the free one. It's the same results, same people hosting those files and therefore you are subject to experience the same problems when trying to download stuff.
Lee Evans, President
LeeWare Development
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