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Old August 23rd, 2004
SamiScrotum SamiScrotum is offline
Join Date: July 10th, 2004
Location: Manjimup,Western Australia
Posts: 7
SamiScrotum is flying high
Default Thank'ee young zurrr.

Why the prog. works properly when accessed thru the .jar file but not the .exe is beyond me - but - IT WORKS.

I've had the same problems in both 4.0.7 (my first try with L/W) and now 4.0.8 and have spent countless hours going thru these forums trying to find a solution - hence my reply to your previous post. Was very close to abandoning L/W altogether but there is much about it that I like. Will monitor closely for a week or two and see how it goes.

Surely by ver.0.8 there should be less problems?

Call me picky if you wish but I prefer "Uninstall" to do just that - not leave me chasing .dll's and playing around in the registry!!
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