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Old August 24th, 2004
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For some reason, i suspect that the internet I am hooked up to in my apartment complex is LAN based, and the admins could have some kind of restriction.
That really is a curious & interesting situation. Are u sure about that? I guess from what I've heard about cable, the downside is how many locals are using it at the same time. In fact I've heard of major neighboring disputes as a result of it. In such a situation I'd try & work out what times the local cable traffic is busy during the day & what times it's not. It might mean some loss of sleep but in the end it's what u have to work around & try to make the most of. If it's really bad then perhaps some communal agreements as to times might be helpful 'if that's possible & might be asking a lot'!

But then again, I might be barking up the wrong tree here. Any suggestions Norm.

Also make sure you have your settings of LW & OS & router, etc. set correctly/at highest potential for your setup. Also see these threads for possible ways of maximising your dwnlds & results:
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