Thread: New members
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Old August 25th, 2004
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Lord of the Rings Lord of the Rings is offline
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Default New members

This type of thing has been suggested before. I'd like to suggest that the stickies are colour coded so people notice them. And that the rules thread has its own separate colour. Adding colour should not be very difficult at all.

I remember somebody suggsting the concept of the rules showing up as soon as somebody presses the forum option under Help in LW. This could be incorporated in LW itself.

On another forum I visit, it is compulsory to enter your computer details when signing up for membership (in fact on that forum you must be a member before you can post or post a new thread.)

These details would help all those who help out on the forum w/o having to ask for them before any help can be offered. And obviously the need for people to be aware of the rules such as re: language & discussing copyright material. I'd like to hear some feedback as to whether any of these ideas will be considered & what reasoning if any they're rejected.

Last edited by Lord of the Rings; August 25th, 2004 at 09:48 PM.
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