Believe it or not it's quite natural for a no. of your selected dwnlds not to connect straight away. If you are looking for hard to find files then have your search quality set to unlimited. However if you're after more popular dwnlds then go to your LW menu Tools-Options -Searching & Quality & set it to either Show only 3 & 4 star choices or just 4 star quality. The higher the star rating the higher the likelihood of u connecting to one of their sources (unless they're particularly busy.) Also try to dwnld from those that have multiple sources (designated in the
# column between Quality & Name of file.) This will dramatically help you to connect to these sources (keeping in mind the dwnld limits of your setup & connection.) If a file stops dwnlding it. Delete it from the dwnld pane & redwnld it from the search pane. Do this a few times if it diesn't seem successful. Then try another search & repeat the process.
If u don't mind a little bit of reading see the following threads on hints to maximaising your dwnlds (the first thread just read the 1st post!):
Search techniques: dwnld probs Hope these suggestions help!