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Old September 2nd, 2004
Posts: n/a
Angry Weak Connections .. plus....

First, the particulars....

WinXP Home (SP1)
80gb HD
LimeWire 4.0.5
XP Firewall configured as instructed here:

ISP= Earthlink (Pennsylvania)
Dail-up connection

The only time I get a decent connection is within the first 5 minutes of being connected when my connection is 'turbocharged'. After that, I get 'fair' at best. it also disconnects itself countless times.

I've been downloading the same file for the last 5 days. It's 29% complete, and at this point, doesn't look like it'll get done until I'm well into my 50's (I'm in my 30's now). I've left LW on overnight, and have gained a grand total of 1% on my download in the last two days.

During my search, I can see results that say better than 107 people all have this file, but I am always awaiting sources. When I finally do get a connection and get in line, when my turn comes, it's downloading at a less than 1kb clip.

Even worse, when I go to the monitor section, people are grabbing my files like crazy. How can I get next to nothing for 5 days, but people get files from me at what seems to be a much better clip?

No disrespect, but my other program (who shall be nameless - the Lite version) was tons better - and faster - than this and I didn't have any of the connection problems. The problem there was that people who write viruses seemed to use it as a testing ground or something. I want to like this program. I want to spend $18.88.... but so far, I don't see that it would be worth it....

So far, all I get is frustration.

...a little help please?

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