The process is: when the files have completed dwnlding, LW moves them from the Incomplete folder to the LW Dwnld folder (don't get confused b/w these 2.) Any new additions to any shared folders, will remain dormant until you either (a) Refresh the LW's library (it will do a recheck & recount of all files sharing), OR (b) the next time u start LW it will go thru the same process just after opening it.
I'm not sure why your shared folders are not showing up in LW's Library window. I'd suggest you go back to Tools-Options & Sharing & highlight those folders & press the remove button. Press Apply & ik. Now go back & re-Add them to the shared folders (don't forget to press the Apply button.) Then refresh the Lib's window.
The only times I've had that issue was when I had the identical file in one shared folder & another as well. I think I solved it by the above process; ie: removing & then re-Adding the folder to the shared list. Hope this helps. Oh wow, that's the 2nd time today I've been caught out taking a long time to write my reply. I'm a slow writer. Slow hand. Glad to hear u solved the mystery. Yeah!
Last edited by Lord of the Rings; September 4th, 2004 at 03:12 PM.