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Old September 4th, 2004
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Lord of the Rings Lord of the Rings is offline
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When u checked my advice in the earlier thread, you must have somehow made your incomplete folder the LW Dwnld folder. The Incomplete folder is stage 1 & the final stage is the lw dwnld folder (whatever that's called.) I'd suggest u go back to your Saving options & reset your dwnld folder to tha appropriate one or create a new one. Before u do that, just make sure the dwnld folder that's listed in the Saving option IS the one it's supposed to go to. Hope u haven't confused names or anything.

There is a possibility that u changed the dwnld location midway thru a file being dwnlded so it may have become stuck in limbo without knowing where to go. So it stayed in the incomplete folder.
my ENTIRE folder of songs isn't showing up when I click on it.
Which folder of songs? Is this a shared folder? Is it listed in your Library of shared folders?

You may have removed it from the shared list & forgotten to re-Add it as a shared folder. And of course, pressed the Apply button.

Actually, if the folder is several levels down, then you will see a little arrow to the left of the folder in the Library window. Click on this to open the folder. Keep opening these folders until you find the one you're after. Then click on that folder to find the songs. I'm running out of breath here!

Last edited by Lord of the Rings; September 4th, 2004 at 05:23 PM.
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