To know exactly where your dwnlds go, go to LW's menu Tools-Options & Saving. This will tell you the name, location & path of LW's Dwnld folder. Use Explorer to search for it once you have its name if u can't find it. You could even create a short-cut to it & put it into Explorer for easy & quick access.
If you want to share this folder or check whether it's already a shared folder, go to LW's menu Tools-Options & Sharing. If the file's name & location is not listed then press the Add button. Direct LW to the location of your LW Dwnld folder & press Add/open, then press both the Apply & OK buttons. Now if you go to LW's Library window & press the Refresh button, LW's Dwnld folder should be listed on the left with any other shared folders. If you select the folder, its contents will show to the right. Of course this means you can also launch the song if you chose to. Hope this answers your question.
Last edited by Lord of the Rings; September 6th, 2004 at 02:59 PM.