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Old September 7th, 2004
sambuca85 sambuca85 is offline
Join Date: September 7th, 2004
Location: Washington, D.C.
Posts: 2
sambuca85 is flying high
Unhappy Won't stay connected

Hey, i am currently using limewire 4.0.8 on a windows xp pro system. whenever i open limewire, it takes forever to connect and when it does, the connection is at poor strength. The connection only lasts for a minute or two and then it says that it is connecting again, before it disconnects for good. even when it is connected, when i do searches, the searches come back blank, no matter what i search for and then it disconnects again. i am at college, using the school's network and have a firewall, but it used to work a few weeks ago and then suddenly stopped. any suggestions?
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