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Old September 9th, 2004
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Lord of the Rings Lord of the Rings is offline
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Actually I do get ie 520/575 files shared type readings happening from time to time (I share almost twice that no. of files.) I only allow one upld slot as of a mth/2 ago, b/c I found people seemed to be overkeen for my files whilst it was affecting my dwnld (that's the issue with dial-up) & a LTD dwnld speed (yet I still have heaps queing up.) I had been under the impression I wouldn't need to tick the ultrapeer option b/c by being on modem selection I thought it would automatically ignore me as a possible ultrapeer.

How will 3 connections affect me compared to 4? It doesn't sound as good! Surely it may even make it more difficult in some ways. Could you explain the +'s & -'s of this?

Oh by the way, I did notice when I updated to 10.3.5 & the new version of Java the 4.1.4 suffered greatly, which is why I reverted back to 4.0.4.