I've found that if you click on the "Advanced" tab at the top of the search
window quickly enough this will allow you opportunity to lower the number
of returns shown in the search window by screening out too small file sizes
("More Than"-"2000"KB). Be sure to click on the "Refresh List" button
before you return to the "Results" tab.
Keep in mind that this search window was generated from overly broad keywords and all files found in this search, when marked for download, will
generate thier own re-occuring searches using the same overly broad search
keywords. This torrent of replys causes way too much stress on Gnucleus
and the network and will cause your connections to dump you, and make
the process of finding additional hosts virtually impossible. This problem
can be avoided if you enter additional keywords in the "Refine Search" pane
under the "results" tab, before any files are selected for download. Gnucleus
may freeze for a couple of seconds when the first character is typed into the
"Refine Search" pane and pause a little on following characters.
Hope this helps and by the way on my win2k when Gnucleus chokes on a
window with too many items it doesn't crash but I have seen it freeze for
up to about 10 minutes while it digests everything (P3,650). Next time you
may want to try to ride out the freeze and close out that window as soon
as Gnucleus is responsive again.
Good Luck |