mac installer problem the installer doesn´t work. after decompressing limewiremac.bin with stuffitexpander and dubbleclicking the icon limewiremac i only get two folders in my trashcan: IA JavaInstaller (delete) 26843 and IA MRJInstaller (delete) 288568 (contains nothing).
IA JavaInstaller-folder cotains the folders
- lax.jar
- uninstallmanifest.txt
and MacOS:
- LimeWireMac
- LimeWireMac.lax
- mnlmb
- sea_loc.
after removing the folders from the trashcan to the desktop and dubbleclicking the icon MacOS/LimeWireMac i get error 3. icreasing memory changes nothing.
i´m working on a powerbook g3 with mac os 9.0.4., MRJ 2.2.3.
what can i do? |