light and darkness The first step in creating Phex was to strip Furi (it´s predecessor) from all chat and IRC capabilietes. This improved performance a lot and not many people have been missing them. So it´s not very likely we will integrate them again. Phex is for downloading files and only downloading them. If you want to chat there´s a wealth of fatastic programs out there, so just grab one of them.
The segmented downloads is truly a feature requested by many users and I will start looking into it as soon as my work pressure gets a little less. At the moment I have to do research and programming on JMS, RMI, EJB, CORBA, IIOP, J2EE in general and similar things all day so I am happy not to see too many lines of java-code in the evenings. But this will change and I will come back with a whole lot of new coding experience and funny ideas. |