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Old September 15th, 2004
Danteism Danteism is offline
Join Date: September 9th, 2004
Posts: 10
Danteism is flying high

Thanks so much for the tips... I'll try installing MRJ 2.6.6.

Boosting the memory via the LW dialog box didn't improve the situation at all. (at one point just to see, I boosted it by something 60 or 70MB with no noticeable effect)

One more question:

The formula to figure that is 32K times every 1MB of RAM that you have.
Do I multiply by the actual RAM installed (in my case 288) or should I deduct the amount being used by my RAM Disk before multiplying. In my memory control panel it currently says that I have 276M of built in RAM available.

So, basically... should I be upping the cache to 9216 or 8832?

Thanks for all of your insights.

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