Mcdonald free song thing = trap at mc donalds they sell a big mac and give you a free song to download. it's legal why not but what I've heard is that that thing was an idea to spy on your computer and record if you do download anything illegally. damn riaa got this idea and they hope to bust us with it. all I think you've got 2 do is don't download the free song and please don't share it otherwise the network will get infected with these spy files.
also I was thinking since they do that there wouldn't they try to spread. of course i might be wrong but i suspect that some songs you can legaly buy on the net might also be spy. advice: stay away from them or try not to mix legaly downloaded for copyright material with ilegaly downloaded copyright material and don't share it one the network.
I also would like to remind everyone of some advice i read before " if the file is perfectly named stay away from it it might be spy"
ps please remember to check the files you download for corruption it's anoying getting those corrupted files cause someone didn't check if it was good or not before sharing it.
please feel free to add any tips to prevent spy files from entering the network
and feel free to corredt me if I'm wrong about some things.
stupid idiot 69er @ |