@Morgwen: The question is not, what you can download, but what you would buy.
High-Speed Users would pay more than 56k Users (I just let them out of it, because I thought it not so relevant... the idea has already been thought about a bit more than only in my head, but I didn't post the whole thing). For those you could use 50c or similar, because they also pay quite dearly for connection time and can't really download as much as DSL-Users, especially flatrate-users.
That way the industry gets money as with the system we have for CDs in Germany: You pay a bit for every CD-Recorder and every blank CD you have, regardless of your usage of it. For that you are allowed to copy music for close friends and relatives.
Same oes for tape-recorders and video-recorders, and it was always the same battle.
Users have a simple way to bypass the distribution model of the industry and it is being agreed on, that they pay a fee to be allowed to use it (which the industry gets to compensate their real losses).
Last edited by arne_bab; September 17th, 2004 at 02:16 PM.