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Old September 20th, 2004
thediceman thediceman is offline
Join Date: September 20th, 2004
Location: Canada
Posts: 3
thediceman is flying high
Default Is it possible to have interrupted downloads automatically restart?

I'm running LW 4.0.5 on a (please don't laugh) P2-350 with Windows 98, 128MB RAM, cable internet connection. I've had LW since about version 1.7 and I really like it. But it seems that recently, a feature I need badly has disappeared.

Windows 98 crashes frequently, so I have a lot of unfinished downloads. It used to be that when this happened, if I rebooted and restarted LW right away, my half-done download would pick up right in the middle, where it left off. That doesn't happen any more. It's pretty frustrating to spend fourteen hours downloading a 300MB episode of *** *****, watch the completion meter get up to 85%, and then have the system crash. When I log back on and LW looks for old downloads, it always, and I mean ALWAYS, says "Need more sources" for every interrupted download. When I do the same search I did before to find the file, the file is right there, and when I click on it (the exact same file from the exact same source), it has no trouble starting to download again - only it starts at 0% again.

Is there an option somewhere that I have to set? I've looked through all the options and can't find anything governing automatic restarts. I'm configured for up to eight simlutaneous downloads, and I've lowered the bandwidth for uploads almost as low as it will go, so there should be lots of slots and bandwidth available for downloads.

Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks in advance for your help.

Last edited by thediceman; September 20th, 2004 at 05:26 PM.
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