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Old September 20th, 2004
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Lord of the Rings Lord of the Rings is offline
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Please delete your reference to the item you'e dwnlding! This is not a wares site for legal reasons.

LW does not have auto starts. However, a good connection & patience & I find they generally start up again anyway by themselves (w/o need for searching for sources.) One thing you can do is to press Resume (1) in the dwnld window. This will make the file search out for sources every 5 mins/so for a certain period. If it can't find any it gives up. I rarely use this. It drains the connection energy. In the LW Lib window incomplete files can be forced to resume (2). However I would warn against using this unless absolutely necessary. Forcing it to resume here has a history of forgetting its dwnld history & starting at 0%. The earlier versions of LW had a type of auto-search function similar to the resume (1) function. LW took it out b/c it was starting to clog up the gnutella network with traffic. Imagine if somebody has 1k of files dwnlding & LW sent out searches for all of them. Then multiply that by the no. of LW users & you end up with a conjested network that becomes slow even for companies & other users.

It sounds to me that your download.dat/.bak file(s) is becoming corrupted when your comp crashes. This was moreso an issue in the earlier versions of LW.

By the way, if you're using cable, lowering the upld bandwidth won't affect your dwnld bandwidth in any way. If fact, by lowering your upld options, you may be lowering your chance to connect to more peers thus for better connections & better search results.

May I recommend you make sure you have the most up to date version of Java for Win98. Your ram is a bit low I must say for today's apps. This could well be the cause of the crashing. I'd suggest you don't use many/any other apps at same time as LW.

Here's a few tips:
Search techniques
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