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Old September 22nd, 2004
helbigtw helbigtw is offline
Join Date: August 18th, 2004
Location: harrisonburg, va
Posts: 12
helbigtw is flying high

Yes I completely agree. I paid for PRO, and of course they give no refunds, and it wont work. There is a way to bypass the university port blocks, there's gotta be a way. In my town (JMU Harrisonburg) we have a company called NTC who we pay for internet service, but somehow its registered on the JMU network. An IT guy at JMU said that JMU is specifically blocking ports to prevent limewire from running so that the bandwidth is freed up at the school. Well legally, can they do that? I mean, I pay for ethernet, my checks are made out to 'NTC' not JMU. So, if I am paying for ethernet, am I not paying for my own allocated space? if I cant use the space that I pay for, shouldn't they give me money back? Tell us how we can get around this Hitler style domination, and how can it be legal for them to block what we pay for?
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