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  #301 (permalink)  
Old September 23rd, 2004
helbigtw helbigtw is offline
Join Date: August 18th, 2004
Location: harrisonburg, va
Posts: 12
helbigtw is flying high

Because my computer was untouched until i moved it to the new apartment, and then limewire didnt work. I've researched and done my homework, and found that most users have tried every trick from every post...and sure a couple kids have a screwed up computer and can change a autostart setting, or change their port numer, or firewall setting, but I'm finding tons and tons of people who have gone through every loop possible, and they have the exact same situation, their school is running out of bandwidth, and therefore the school makes this big annoucement about how they're going to block ports and so forth. Its fact.
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