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  #303 (permalink)  
Old September 23rd, 2004
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Lord of the Rings Lord of the Rings is offline
Join Date: June 30th, 2004
Location: Middle of the ocean apparently (middle earth)
Posts: 665
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But apparently not 'all' schools are 'totally' blocked! Some people have found loopholes. And it's those loopholes that a generous user would be highly commended for for detailing to other users how they managed to get thru on their system. This won't apply to everybody but will apply for many all the same. Perhaps some primciples can be learned & even added to the New Feature Request section for eg to overcome for future users in the same environment. We're all in this together & need to help each other. Selfishness doesn't help anybody here. Only short-term. If U know somebody who's had such success, investigate as sensitively as you can to find out to help the overall gathering of info so we can collect a general collection of advice to help each person in their own particular plight. And even advance on what data has been found.
Sometimes I hate dialup: search SP2 on the forum to find the damage it's caused fo far.
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