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ComputerQueen August 28th, 2005 10:10 PM

Audio MP3 file - only noise
I have download an audio file from both Cable/DSL and T1 sources. All files (the same audio file) downloaded indicate MP3 but when I try to preview the file an error pops up indicating there is an unknown error with the audio file (it always lists the same audio file number - even after I have deleted the incomplete files). This is a new audio file that has just been out several months. Is this due to a licensing issue that doesn't allow it to be downloaded in a readable format? I am getting a little frustrated trying to get this one to work! I have others that have downloaded just fine.

I have read a few other posts and have the same issue with the "firewall" message.. but most of the time when the message about a firewall blocking shows up - I am's annoying. I have my firewall configured according to the specs listed at the Limewire firewall instructions but still get that message. I am using V4.9.28 Pro.


Lord of the Rings August 28th, 2005 10:19 PM

Did you have a look at the Sticky in this section? Downld/Upld Problems Sticky

Firewall: Did you configure your firewall so it allows LW full access (advisable not to have 2 active firewalls b/c they can interfere with each other); Firewall configuration instructions (click on link)

ComputerQueen August 28th, 2005 10:41 PM

By New - I mean that this book has only been out a few months. I have downloaded other books by same author but they have been out for several years.

The download file(s) indicate it is an MP3 file....

I thought that if I deleted the incomplete and complete downloaded files and re-downloaded the same file I would get a new copy. Since I continue to have the same problem I am thinking these CDs are protected in some manner that does not allow them to be copied.

ComputerQueen August 28th, 2005 10:50 PM

By new - I mean this audio book has only been out for several months. The file size is 286MB. The last book I downloaded was 283MB. Is the file size beyond what can be handled?

I have deleted all of the complete and incomplete copies of this file. Have downloaded again and still have the same issue...

I just looked at the "INFO" for the file and it states that it is
MPEG 1 Audio Layer 3 - but the files says .mp3 on the I guess that may be the issue...

(BTW - Windows XP PRO SP2 - Home, DSL, firewall on)

Lord of the Rings August 28th, 2005 10:55 PM

iTunes plays audio books without problem. However there is a chance your file is corrupt because it is copyright. Most Popular Songs R' Corrupt Of course you already read this didn't you after checking out the sticky at the top of the section.

Did you configure your firewall? Did you configure your Anti-virus program to allow LW? Apparently some can actually cause damage to files if permissions arent given to allow.

ComputerQueen August 28th, 2005 11:01 PM

On the firewall issue - I do have LW in the exceptions list, I have added Gnutella under Services in the firewall Advanced settings.
I did not have an issue with the firewall until the upgrade to 4.9.27 (LW Pro).

I did read the post on UL/DL - that was very informative..

ComputerQueen August 28th, 2005 11:16 PM

I import the audio files into iTunes.. but this one won't go.
I have a program (shareware) - Markable - that will convert the files to the format wanted by iTunes but it won't do this one either. I have put the other books on my iPod with no issues.

So, I think your "copywrite" explanation is probably the correct one.


Lord of the Rings August 28th, 2005 11:27 PM

BTW LW 4.9.28 is now out. It might be worth updating to. ;)

ComputerQueen August 29th, 2005 05:55 AM

I did update to .28 right after is was offered...still happens.

Lord of the Rings August 29th, 2005 09:53 PM

I wonder if the file is in mp3Pro format. iTunes won't play mp3pro. mp3pro is only good for bit rates of 128 kbps or less. Try it in another player.

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