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BearShare Labs Preview this popular software (BearShare Beta v5 "Download")

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old April 8th, 2007
Join Date: April 8th, 2007
Posts: 7
birdgofly is flying high
Arrow Isn't there suppose to be a free trial? Where do I get it? Did I mess it up..?

Hi! Where do you get the free trial of bearshare 6?

I hear it's good, but I'd like to try it first.

I've downloaded and installed it from, and it looks great, but no free trial.

It just says that I have to buy a subscription when I try to download something, but I want a free trial first.

So I'm wondering where I could get this free trial everyone talks about.

A reply would be great, thanks!

Oh, by the way.

I'm thinking I might have messed it up if there is no special place to download this free trial.

I downloaded and installed bearshare V6 once before, but had to unistall it within the same day. (My parents said I wasn't allowed having it)

Well now I can have it, but I'd like to try it first, but could installing it once before have ruined the whole free trial thing?

Cuz that would suck.

I also have the old bearshare (which I don't find desirable for downloading full albums of music), could that be messing up the free trial thing?

Any sort of help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you very much. (Email ~ )
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old April 8th, 2007
Join Date: April 8th, 2007
Posts: 7
birdgofly is flying high


Alot of people seem to be having problems with bearshare, but I really do like the interface and it is setup.

So is there any programs out there similar to this that you know of?

I'd really like to try out bearshare, but if i can't, I'm looking for a nice alternative.

Thank you!!
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old April 8th, 2007
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stief has a spectacular aura about

see for more info about BearShare.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old April 8th, 2007
Join Date: April 8th, 2007
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birdgofly is flying high

Thanks for the reply! I'm not really sure how it helps, but thanks!
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old April 9th, 2007
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Bottom line: You don't want BearShare 6 or 5.2, and you definitely don't want
"BearFlix". All three of those lines are cripples compared to 5.1 and all three
were developed by the new owners "Musiclab LLC", the american front for the
iMesh company who are openly collaborating with the RIAA. If you cannot trust
these people, you are wise not to trust their software.

The version of 5.1 you saw in that thread is the most powerful gnutella
servent ever made and you can trust it to simply do what you command.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old April 9th, 2007
Join Date: April 8th, 2007
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birdgofly is flying high

Um.. I downloaded it, but I really don't see much difference from my cracked version of 5.2.6 (Sorry)

Anyway, what I really like about V6 is the interface, how it's organized, and how you can download full albums with all the right data for the songs, unlike with regular p2ps.

So I really want V6, I just wanna make sure the songs will work ok with my computer and everything (because of all the problems I've seen).

So thanks, but I really just wanna know how to get a free trial of bearshare 6.

Anyone else?

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  #7 (permalink)  
Old April 9th, 2007
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The "free trial' started automatically when you registered. Virtually all of the
music you downloaded for "free" was DRM-infested and it will automatically
expire the minute the first month has passed or the first time you miss a
monthly payment. The "Premium" music you saw would still have cost you the
same asking price even if you were a paying customer with a subscription.

BearShare 5.1 has none of that type of file and music you download will never
suddenly become unplayable at the whim of the software company or a record

That cute interface in v6 is not new software. It is actually iMesh, which the
public soundly rejected after the developers crippled it so you could no longer
download anything but pre-approved music and video unless it was so short
that there was no possibility of that content having any real value. It is now
crippled even further so 99% of the MP3s out there won't show up in a search.
and it doesn't even connect to the gnutella network anymore, where most of
us enjoy the freedom to share anything at all, such as books, videos longer
than 15 minutes and rare music.

BearShare and up is more subtle in it's evils, such as the hidden
remote control to limit your download speeds or even cut them off completely.
Many users have also discovered that it is subtly editing and censoring search
results to deny you the ability to see all that is actually available. No doubt
this is a tactic to trick you into trying the even more restrictive v6 version,
which is BearShare in name only but actually shares nothing in common with it
other than the cute bear logo and yellow/orange colour scheme.

If that isn't bad enough, LimeWire now automatically puts all versions of 5.2 in
it's "EVIL_HOSTS" category, which means about two thirds of the network
treats 5.2 as untrustworthy. You aren't locked out but you don't get full
access to the whole network anymore. You might not have noticed if all you
do is look for the most popular music but the difference is greater if you try to

BearShare 5.1.0b25, on the other hand, is not only the original BearShare that
the MAFIAA boys fear so much but it is also a beta test version of the most
advanced incarnation of the legendary bear. That means it allowed a lot more
download performance than any cracked "Pro" version (50 connections per file
instead of 19) but you could also manually switch it into ultrapeer mode,
raising it's host connections from 2 ultrapeer parents to 18 full peer connections
to other BearShare users, another full peer connections to 8 users of LimeWire
and Phex users and still another 45 people using all types of gnutella servents
could connect to you as a parent. That adds up to 71 instead of 2 connections,
26 of them as super-powered as you. Naturally, this means your searches
become ultra powerful and you can find almost anything on the network with
one search instead of having to try and try again.

Besides, other than the fact that b25 is more powerful in every way than your
cracked version, can you really be sure the "crack" didn't include something
malicious? Things like password stealers and remote controlled zombies are
spread in exactly that way. Seen any extra small "purchases" on your credit
card lately?
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old April 10th, 2007
Join Date: April 8th, 2007
Posts: 7
birdgofly is flying high

Oh. Ok.

I just have one question.

How do I switch it into ultrapeer mode?


p.s. I have great antispyware, but thanks for the concern..
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old April 11th, 2007
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The control for UP mode is in Setup/Service.

Make sure the first and last status lights are green before you do it.
A steady yellow light means you are firewalled and you'd want to resolve that.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old April 11th, 2007
Join Date: April 8th, 2007
Posts: 7
birdgofly is flying high

Ok, so, I've got a steady yellow light.

How do I un-firewall it? I don't think I have any firewalls set up..

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