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Morgwen May 8th, 2002 04:59 AM censorship!
I didnīt visit for a long time now after I posted my opinion it was immediatly moved to an other forum, I wonder why?

It seems that is allowed to badmouth others client in every forum bad donīt try to defend them!

Vinnie grow up!


Becker May 8th, 2002 05:04 PM

man that thread had so much crap done to it its crazy.

I dont think you were bad mouthing any one. just stating the opionion to be fair because bearshare at one time didnt give the option to not install 3party programs. which is true....

But it doesnt sound like a rant. I havent been watching to closely for edits. but moving i will do. All the threads in bearshare labs deal with the pro or beta version of the program [chat, crashes, problems...]. :)

unless it was closed at one point in time.. then thats differnt..


Morgwen May 8th, 2002 05:11 PM


I know Vinnie has moved it!

The question now is why did he move it?

Threadmaster said it is offtopic... you and some other people say its not...

I think he moved it because he donīt like me, but this is censorship then! Perhaps Mr. Falco wants to comment his stupid action here!


Becker May 8th, 2002 05:20 PM

No it was off topic for the labs. It should of been posted in 10 things i hate or rant. :)

Morgwen May 8th, 2002 05:30 PM


how many offtopic posts are in the labs? Should I post some examples? And please tell me how should I reply to a thread that Vinnie made in an other forum?

And please tell me what the word "offtopic" means does it means wrong forum or wrong thread?

It means wrong thread, but the thread was right if the forum was wrong why he didnīt moved the whole thread?

And why are such comments here not OFFTOPIC???


You, sir, are an idiot.
Have a look:

Becker the point is why is my post offtopic and several others are not? Donīt tell me now you donīt have enough time to overview the forums, I saw offtopic discussions in which the mods also posted and this stayed in the labs!

The rules are bend by need!


Morgwen May 8th, 2002 05:34 PM


I know you and some other mods try to make a good job on and you are loyal to Vinnie but this doesnīt make his actions better!


Vinnie May 9th, 2002 03:01 PM

Look Morgwen, as long as you continue to troll BearShare.Net, you aren't going to get a whole lot of respect from me or many other people.

Was your post off topic? Yes.

Did I pay special attention to it because it came from you? Probably.

Have I made off topic posts in the past? Certainly.

The bottom line, is that you are all about promoting your own agenda and trying to start a flame war.

I refuse to participate in it.

Iamnacho May 9th, 2002 06:32 PM

Re: Well

Originally posted by Vinnie

The bottom line, is that you are all about promoting your own agenda and trying to start a flame war.

I refuse to participate in it.

By posting a response are you not participating in it??????


KayaMan May 9th, 2002 06:37 PM

Re: Re: Well

Originally posted by Iamnacho

By posting a response are you not participating in it??????


^^^ lol. thats all.

Morgwen May 10th, 2002 02:52 AM

Re: Well

Originally posted by Vinnie
Was your post off topic? Yes.
The whole thread is OFF TOPIC, but you move only my posts...


You, sir, are an idiot.
And I see this "ON" topic post is still in the original thread...

where did I troll? A yes its trolling when some users try to defend a client which you badmouth!


you aren't going to get a whole lot of respect from me or many other people.
Hey Vinnie I donīt want respect, I want to say my opinion nothing more... you and your loyal bearshare VIP/user donīt accept other thinking users, I read statemnets like:

If you donīt like bearsahre donīt visit this side!

So only people who agree are allowed to say anything?

And donīt tell me something about post in the right forum, your loyal users post daily off topic in the labs and NOBODY moves it, so start to follow your own rules...


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