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BearShare Open Discussion Open topic discussion for BearShare users

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  #21 (permalink)  
Old June 20th, 2001
Join Date: May 28th, 2000
Posts: 894
CycloCide is flying high

Originally posted by anti-bearshare
That is why I said Imagine....My intent on that comment was not really for Vinnie making the money. Because apparently no one wants to invest into Vinnie's awesome company. With the intergration of adware, spyware, html banners, etc. Gnutella will become commericalized. No one wants thats. I ****ing hate ads myself. Also with ads there are privacy issues. Such as cookies and other things that ultimately lead to companies tracking your web usage. That is a fact. I dont like that either. Neither should you.
That may not have been your intent, but you are misleading people that don't know any better and think that's how much revenue BearShare generates.

You say you hate ads, yet virtually all web sites use them. Would you rather pay for the content on those sites? You can't have your cake and eat it, too.

How would you suggest Vinnie generate revenue from BearShare if he doesn't "[integrate] adware, spyware, html banners, etc"?
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old June 20th, 2001
Join Date: May 28th, 2000
Posts: 894
CycloCide is flying high

Originally posted by anti-bearshare
Will you allow me to post the image?
You are free to post it on your site, but please don't post it on ours.

For parody to be legal, there has to be a meaningful connection between the subject of the parody and the ultimate message. In other words, you can't take, say, the Microsoft logo and use it to make a parody about evil corporations destroying the ozone layer. Also, the parody has to be sufficiently distinct from the original to be recognizable as a parody.
Your parody is not distinct from the original. With the exception of the three changed letters, it looks exactly like the BearShare logo.
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old June 20th, 2001
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by CycloCide

That may not have been your intent, but you are misleading people that don't know any better and think that's how much revenue BearShare generates.
I've changed my comments on the BearShare fan <a href="">site</a> to depict my original intent of the statement.


You say you hate ads, yet virtually all web sites use them. Would you rather pay for the content on those sites? You can't have your cake and eat it, too.
I generally hate ads. I wouldnt mind them so much if they didnt have privacy issues attached to them. I dont like commericalization of anything especially the net. with commericalization comes some type of centralization of power. Open-source is a prime example of having your cake and eating it too. (Not saying BearShare should be open-source just stating that a lot of things can be beneficial free. By the people for the people sense.)


How would you suggest Vinnie generate revenue from BearShare if he doesn't "[integrate] adware, spyware, html banners, etc"?
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old June 20th, 2001
Posts: n/a
Default about the logo

No problem will do. If anyone cares I'm going to look for further changing the logo in the near future. ahh whatever.... :]

<a href="">BearShare fan site</a>

<img src="" border=0>
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old June 20th, 2001
Join Date: May 28th, 2000
Posts: 894
CycloCide is flying high

Originally posted by Unregistered
I generally hate ads. I wouldnt mind them so much if they didnt have privacy issues attached to them. I dont like commericalization of anything especially the net. with commericalization comes some type of centralization of power. Open-source is a prime example of having your cake and eating it too. (Not saying BearShare should be open-source just stating that a lot of things can be beneficial free. By the people for the people sense.)

What privacy issues? What's wrong if an advertising company tracks what sites you visit? Tracking what sites people visit would result in more targeted advertising and would increase the ad revenue to publishers (which is something that would really help a lot of sites in this day and age).

Open-source usually doesn't work. Look at what happened to Netscape.

Uhm, if investors invested in BearShare, it would be commercialized.

Last edited by CycloCide; June 20th, 2001 at 06:20 PM.
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old June 20th, 2001
Posts: n/a

Open source usually doesn't work? Ignore apache webserver, squid proxy, gimp grafix software, KDE, Linux, FreeBSD, global inventions and internet rechnologies... need more?
I'll accept Open Source doesn't work for Bearshare, yeah we all need money to live!
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old June 20th, 2001
Join Date: May 28th, 2000
Posts: 894
CycloCide is flying high

Since you keep promoting your site here, I'll go through your reasons one-by-one. Before I was stating the facts, now I'm stating my opinion.

01. The name BearShare. Reminds me of the CareBears.
What about the name? Is it any less original than the names of the other Gnutella clients?

02. Vincent Falco.
03. Michael Cardenas.
What about them? You don't even know Michael.

04. Vincent and Michael's top skill is "graphic design". Atleast Michael went to school for that. BearShare has a really kick *** logo doesn't it?
BearShare's web site and logo look fine to me. Unlike Gnotella and LimeWire, Vinnie doesn't have the financial resources to hire a web designer.

05. Spyware. I am aware you have a choice to install it or not. It shouldn't be there in the first place. I'm assuming its for new users who really don't know any better.
06. Adware. BearShare 2.2.4 has html viewing built into the client (html banners). I have nothing against making money. I do however have a problem with invasion of privacy (monitoring). With the intergration of adware, spyware, html banners, etc. Gnutella will become commericalized. No one wants thats. I ****ing hate ads. Everyone should know they're privacy issues with ads. Such as cookies and other things that ultimately lead to companies tracking your web usage. That is a fact.
They generate revenue. Why don't you come up with a better solution?

07. Encrypted packets. Like I said before it shouldn't be there in the first place. I dont see other client's sending encrypted information through the network.
Vinnie already explained what the encrypted packets are for.

08. Exploit (vulnerability). I wonder why BearShare has been the first client to be exploited. Maybe its because of Vinnie and Michael's top skill. No....I mean their "programming skill".
Or maybe it's because more people use BearShare than any other Gnutella client and some of those people were pissed off at Vinnie/BearShare so they deliberately tried to find an exploit. All programs have bugs.

09. It only runs on Windows. Only the shittest OS in the world.
What's your point? Yes, Windows 95/98/ME are shitty; Windows NT/2000/Whistler aren't.

In case you haven't noticed, Gnotella, Gnucleus, Newtella, and ToadNode are Windows specific too.

10. Accept incoming hosts (checkbox). Most new users will un-check the box thinking it "wastes" bandwidth. Which then makes the network become segmented and congested.
Maybe, but other people uncheck it because their provider doesn't allow incoming connections to servers. I'm one of those people.

11. Unorganized search results. No filtering of results such as file type. No type of grouping for multiple results.
Which clients do this?

12. Vincent got my damn BearShare fan site shut down. Would you be more happy if I linked to So you can make some of that money?
That's because you violated your provider's TOS. You're still infringing on BearShare's copyright by using their trademarked logo.
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old June 20th, 2001
Join Date: May 28th, 2000
Posts: 894
CycloCide is flying high

Originally posted by Moak
Open source usually doesn't work? Ignore apache webserver, squid proxy, gimp grafix software, KDE, Linux, FreeBSD, global inventions and internet rechnologies... need more?
I'll accept Open Source doesn't work for Bearshare, yeah we all need money to live!
Yes, those are exceptions. That's why I said "usually".
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old June 20th, 2001
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by CycloCide

What privacy issues? What's wrong if an advertising company tracks what sites you visit? Tracking what sites people visit would result in more targeted advertising and would increase the ad revenue to publishers (which is something that would really help a lot of sites in this day and age).
Privacy issues such as tracking your web usage (what you buy [email, name, address, phone number, even other personal information], what you search for [cars, gay black men, hot lesbians, etc], what OS you're running, demographic information.) Then they can cross-reference that with other demographic information and call your house to try to sell you some gay blackman motion lotion. Then you wonder how they got you on their list. They also sell your PRIVATE information for profit at your expense of privacy.


Open-source usually doesn't work. Look at what happened to Netscape.
I think Moak says it better. :]


Uhm, if investors invested in BearShare, it would be commercialized.
Commercialization is when something is being advertised to you (as a company wants you to BUY something). In shorter terms someone trying to sell you something you dont need.
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old June 20th, 2001
Posts: n/a

Cyclocide that is totally cool. You are freely to state your opinions as I have stated my thoughts. This Anti-BearShit thing is a make fun of, prove some points, and pick at BearShare and fun parody (also a little humor of microsoft with the windows comment. LimeWire and Phex are the only Cross-Platform clients :]) Why not create a program to use for all OSes instead of single shitty one?

Most of your comments I've answered in the post reply to Moak (Updated BearShare fan site thread).

What are the encrypted packets for?

10. to your response

Most new users who just use the gnutella to download music, porn, and movies are the ones who really dont give a **** on how the network operates. Then whines and complains that they can't download anything b/c of the fact that people are not sharing or accepting incoming connections. It should be a default that BearShare has to accept incoming connections. If your connection (firewalled, etc) doesnt accept connections then why do you need a option to say if you want to accept incoming connections or not? You dont thats why.

11. to your response
LimeWire and some other clients have a feature to filter out results for a specific file type (such as program [exe,zip], audio [mp3, ram, wma], etc). Alot of people are searching for specific files such as the_band - the_song.mp3. Those type of queries congests the network. Maybe one person has that file in that exact filename out of 1,000 hosts. Now if that same person searched for keywords such as the band or the song in the audio file type. They would get a lot more results back than they searched the first time the_band - the_song.mp3. Because maybe a host has that file but with the filename the band_the song.mp3. Maybe that host doesnt have any upload slots filled. So you could download the file. Now with BearShare when you search for something it just places all your results in one big list. Now if you wanted to search for something else you would have to stop and clear the list or just scroll down through a lot of results you didnt want in the first place (file type wise). I believe LimeWire and other clients have seperate result lists for your searches (better organization). They also have "grouping" as if multiple hosts have the same filename and size it will place that specific result in a grouping. Say 10 hosts have the same file. So you know you have a better download succession rate than a result only with one host to download from. BearShare's resume download and a grouping (caching of known hosts instead of initializing another search) feature would be excellent.
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