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Unregistered June 12th, 2001 05:49 AM

WARNING! Bear Share
-----= NOTICE =-----

BearShare has been identified as containing "SPYWARE" by and others.

BearShare supposedly installs programs called "Onflow" and "Savenow", did you know that?

Goto the Bearshare site, go to the documentation section, then to the FORUMS.

In the forums goto the area called Adware. (if its still there)

This is not a joke, go read about the adware/spyware they installed on your system.

Spyware/Adware will not kill you but its definately not cool.

Are they reading your hardrive? Did you know they were on your system? Do you care?

Have you read the fine print in the BearShare user agreement?

Disable the spyware & keep bearshare. Bearshare is a great program... but...

Gnutella can exist without bearshare. Say "Vinnie pls deflate your head"


-----= LINKS =----

more information ---> (search for bearshare)
more information ---> (in the forums, adware section)
more information ---> (read OptOut section)
get anti-spyware-software ---> (download the Ad-Aware program)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
[ 11.April.2001, Editor's Note]

I found this to be true on my computer.

Every once-in-a-while an add would pop up on me so I checked it out and there it was.

I didn't make the connection until I got this message, but the timing fits.

To see for yourself, go to control panels, add/remove program.

Messed up, huh?

UKGuy June 12th, 2001 10:26 PM

Not any more
In the latest version of BearShare (2.2.4) you can opt to NOT install the 'adware' components when you install BearShare.

Brotaris June 15th, 2001 03:52 AM

very VERY old news
Unregistered, you're just finding all this out NOW? geez, this has been known for MONTHS. And here you go trying to put all the hype and paranoia and misinformation back into play.

Why don't you read a little before going off the deep end like that?

Batfink June 15th, 2001 04:52 AM

Exactly,its nothing new,and nothing very interesting either.

JD June 15th, 2001 04:07 PM

Nothing new says who?
Nothing new to everyone who knows about it.

Something totally new, surprising and possibly offensive who installes it the very first time.

How many 'very first timers' every day? Hundreds? Thousands?
Nothing new?

They must have been born with the knowledge.
They also must be immun to personal privacy issues when they use programs with covert packeting and spyware.
Would many new users even know what 'spyware' is?
Adware? Encrypted packeting and 'normal data' packeting?

This issue will not quietly go away, guys, no matter how hard you try and how aggressively and derogatory you post your comments on these important issues on the gnutella net.

And remember: this is a public forum, hopefully uncensored and remaining one. And it is from gnutella net users concerend about many things they come across and these forums help to share information and find answers.

It seems that there a some here, seemingly from the 'Bearshare camp', who don't like to see certain postings.
Too bad you are not able to control these postings too?


Batfink June 16th, 2001 03:41 AM

I'm not from 'the bearshare camp' at all mate,in fact I dont use it at all,I use Gnucleus and Gnotella.
Ok it was a bit flippant my post and yes there are new users every day,but the original poster came on here all caplocks and guns blazing,a few minutes reading would have confirmed the 'spyware' issue was already common knowledge and another thread about it would have been unnecessary.

JD June 16th, 2001 04:11 PM

Great prog, the latest Gnucleus version, isn't it, Batfink.
And the upgrade function, choose full version or Beta or no upgrade - this is the way to do it!
See anybody having a word about it in the Gnucleus Forum section? No need to. Hopefully never.

Bearshare is a completely different story, unfortuntely.
And the idea behind those problem packets and spyware add-ons is not suitable for the 'free P2P' Gnutella Net.
That is why everybody feels so strongly about.

So it will go on and on and on, until ???? Sad really, cause it is such an excellent new internet sharing environment.
But how long can it stay 'free'?
Bearshare brings into it commercialism and secrect codes and control.

The other Gnutella clients get better and better and hopefully reverse the unfortunate trend again.



Parkaboy June 23rd, 2001 04:01 PM

Hey, at least it isn't virusware
Audiogalaxy (BOOOOOOOOOO!) installs WebHancer spyware without asking you first. If you uninstall Audiogalaxy, you uninstall WebCancer, which then gets pissed and overwrites all of your system files.

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