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BearShare Open Discussion Open topic discussion for BearShare users

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old April 20th, 2007
Join Date: April 20th, 2007
Posts: 1
Dizoakrod is flying high
Default Downloads crawling, I've tried everything I can think of.

I hope this is the right place to post this, I looked at all the forums, and this one seemed appropriate. If not, please direct me to the correct forum.

I've been using bearshare for a few years now, The download used to be smokin fast, like 15 seconds for a 6mb song. I stoped using P2P software for a few months, and recently started using them again, since then I've noticed a drastic difference in download speeds, Just a few min. ago I attempted to download a 6.5mb file with a full green bar, and over 100 sources, now back in the day, the download would have taken 20-30 seconds, but this time it took about 7 min.

I'm using a Linksys router, but I have opened the necessary ports, so that shouldn't be the problem (fourth led light is green[in fact they're all green]). I've tried several versions, the one I'm using now is BearShare Lite 5.1.0, But I've used the newest also (5.2.somthing).

I also thought it might just be my ISP attempting to block P2P stuff, but I doubt that is the case, I had a guy from my ISP out to work on my TV (cable tv and internet service, they do both) He seemed like a cool guy so I asked him about it, He said that the ISP does not block P2P, and that he actually uses Limewire at his house with no problem. He looked at various stuff on my computer for an hour or so, and concluded it shouldn't be anything on my side causing the problem, I think he may be wrong here though.

I don't think this is a BearShare only thing, I get unusually slow Downloads with limewire, Bittorrent, etc.

Any help is greatly appreciated.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old April 23rd, 2007
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There might be a lot of new users in your area using up the bandwidth.
That's a typical weakness with cable connections: shared bandwidth.
Any new services your ISP is offering will be given higher priority too.
At least your speed hasn't dropped as low as a modem. ;]
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