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BearShare Open Discussion Open topic discussion for BearShare users

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  #31 (permalink)  
Old May 28th, 2002
BearShare Developer
Join Date: May 25th, 2001
Posts: 163
Vinnie is flying high
Default Re: Re: follow up and my current opinion

Originally posted by MamiyaOtaru
You can't find the files on BearShare users HDs, but they can't find the ones on yours, so it's not like they'll leech or anything. They'll just find themselves isolated. Oh well.
Even Gnucleus users are isolated from other Gnucleus users.

Why? Because of the Morpheus influx, the network is WAY too big for any single servent to see a significant percentage of the entire network.

No matter where you are in the network, I estimate that about 80% of the network is "invisible" to you due to its size.

Not to worry - Free Peers, Inc. has submitted the "query mesh" proposal to the GDF. This is a proposal to provide global searchability to the network, in a vendor-interoperable standard.

This proposal offers a number of benefits:

1) Web servers can return Gnutella search results

2) Queries with TTL>2 are eliminated

3) Searching burden is shifted from the network to the client (person doing the search)

4) Searches are more efficient, since they can be stopped when the desired number of results are obtained.

The scheme can also be extended to create content affinity groups (clusters of Ultrapeers whose leaves have a specific content type, e.g. "anime").

You can read the full text of the proposal here:
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  #32 (permalink)  
Old May 31st, 2002
Join Date: March 18th, 2002
Posts: 7
0160 is flying high
Lightbulb forget any limeware (limewire freewire) and bearshare and anything else that isnt DC.

I have been spending some time on the DC network. I have been evaluating it for the last few days and believe it is the best thing since Napster!

You can download your free copy of DC by neo-modus at:
or DC++ (banner less) from:
DC++ also has NO pop ups and you can hook up to multiple hubs simultaneously and thus search multiple hubs at once!
Note the only drawback on DC++ is it is discriminated from some hubs for reasons I am unaware of.
It could be that it puts an additional strain on the hub or that DC++ users by being on multiple hubs tend to be slower then others or that their slots are taken up faster since they are more visible by being on multiple hubs. I have seen some hubs limit the number of hubs a DC++ client, although welcome, may be connected to while attempting to connecting to their hub.

DC beats da heck out of BEAR SHARE, LIMEWIRE and other P2P network clients. This is a different type of network and while new to me it is already superior to others IMHO.

DC protocol still lacks some features found in other p2p clients like connection throttle, Segmented Downloading, Drag-and-drop links, and BearShare's built in website. It also is not without its bugs but like most p2p clients will continue to evolve.

Something really neat about this network setup is how anyone can quickly and easily setup their own hub and be their own HUB MASTER (The big boss man) . A very nice way to have the sources of many files made available.

Then link the hub up with a friends or some other existing hubs and watch your network grow. With the exception of neo-modus made Direct Connection client, this is a NO GREED file sharing concept which has proved to be faster and more open that Napster ever was. With so many privately ran hubs it is impossible to shut it down.

Another Tip: Do not share adobe ware as they are so far the only ones I know of with their own cyber police dept which actively search out those people who share their expensive software. I have yet to see or hear about them in any of the p2p or DC networks but I personally will not take the chance. I would rather give away microsoft all darn day then to fear the adobe police. One of my friends got caught while offering PhotoShop 5.5 to users over IRC on #cablewarez channel. He had to pay $1000 US dollars and spend some additional time doing some community service. Oh yeah, it was his parents that had to pay the money. They were not too happy about that as you could guess.

I will be running my own hub soon

Till then you can find me at:
hub address =
I am an OP there so if you cause any trouble I can kick ban ya booty out :-)
Everyone is REALLY nice there!

I will move my client to a different computer here real soon and so I will be leaving it online 7/24.

I have 25 Gigs of STUFF so far and growing by the minute. I will need to get a 120 gig hard drive SOON. I been connecting all my LAN shares to it to try to keep from running out of room on my main computer. With only 1 gig left it is a hard to keep up by un installing unwanted apps to free up more room.

My username is [0160] as I try to be fairly anonymous on these types of networks. Too many freaks online you know.

Suggestion: DO NOT put your real name in the settings. I have yet to have a problem. But I would not want to hear of any horror stories on account I suggested to try it out and someone was naive enough to enter their real name and end up being stalked or something. Even the email address is OPTIONAL which is pretty nice for those who do not like giving out their only email address in fear of being spammed etc. So far I have only received one email that I considered to be spam worthy.

The worst part of this network is the fact that so many OPs run these stupid scripts that look for key words and drop ya like a bad habit when they fine something that matches their criteria like "rape" "preteen" or a file name that would suggest you were sharing an installed file like an "ini" or "bat" file (so I can only assume since I have not been able to ask them after I was kick banned and ip banned all in a bloody second). The hub I am it will not do that and presently does not have a minimum share size. I have been unable to get into some places as they require you to have available 50 100 and in a few cases 500 Gigs to share with others. That is just sick!.

Well there are so many hubs that it is practically impossible to run out of sources for files and more files. Even with the Gnutella protocol based networks and those clients accessing them, I do not believe they can compete with these
Network Statistics:
Current Number of Users Online 89870
Total Data Available 2407.46 TB
Recent Peak Number Of Users 92345
Current Number of Hubs Online 1646

Correct me if I am wrong but this is greater than Gnutella Protocol based networks right?

Well that is my evaluation so far. I will probably take the source of DC neo-modus and rip out their banner and pop ups. I the system resources on my computer tends to drop more and more as time goes by while they keep the iexplore tied up. You can tell as I was not asked by the way I did not have to re login to a forum as my iexplore session never did actually close since DC was still using it in the background behind the scenes to display that stupid banner.

What would really rock is a client that does not do pop ups and could access BOTH Gnutella based networks and the DC based HUBS. Now THAT would be BRILLIANT!

Lastly, I can not wait for some Linux ports of these p2p and DC based clients and hubs for DC. That would be so sweet!

Last edited by 0160; May 31st, 2002 at 11:43 AM.
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  #33 (permalink)  
Old May 31st, 2002
Join Date: March 18th, 2002
Posts: 7
0160 is flying high
Exclamation sorry but I simply do not agree

BTW I edited my reply posting ABOVE a minute ago.

Like I said though, it would be good to have a multiple protocol client like Trillian is to MSN AIM ICQ YAHOO and IRC chat networks.

And also DC is NOT without their bugs or inadequacies but when it comes to actually GETTING files I can assure EVERYONE that from MY OWN experience it is FAR better than any other network hands down!

Remember that things do change and so if you have NOT checked it out lately then I suggest you DO so before suggesting it is worst than Usenet *shakes head*. Because THAT is FAR from the truth.

I am not loyal to anything online as the internet is so a dynamic. I always come back to give things another chance to see if it has evolved into something worth while.
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  #34 (permalink)  
Old May 31st, 2002
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Default DC

New networks are always better, Why?
It's becouse the really comitted p2p people join in first and they do share.
But after a while the leeches join in for they heard it's so good to get files......
Het algemeen gnutella forum in Nederlands

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  #35 (permalink)  
Old May 31st, 2002
Join Date: March 18th, 2002
Posts: 7
0160 is flying high

well there are ways to prevent leechers.

1) Require they share some amount of files be it 1 5 10 or whatever amount of Gigs you believe is reasonable. Personally anything more then 5 is not good for the virgin user and so they end up stuck in some smaller hubs or those who are not so uptight about it.

2) Require the user to have a minimum amount of slots available.
This prevents those who only allow 1 slot and download from 10 people at once.

I believe since it is a USER ran network via HUBS and linked HUBS that any problems can be over come.
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  #36 (permalink)  
Old June 4th, 2002
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Kaapeli is flying high
Default Re: forget any limeware (limewire freewire) and bearshare and anything else that isnt

Originally posted by 0160
Even with the Gnutella protocol based networks and those clients accessing them, I do not believe they can compete with these
Network Statistics:
Current Number of Users Online 89870
Total Data Available 2407.46 TB
Recent Peak Number Of Users 92345
Current Number of Hubs Online 1646

Correct me if I am wrong but this is greater than Gnutella Protocol based networks right?
No, you're wrong about that. Check from the LimeWire's webpage the current size of gnutella network. It does have far more user online than in DC network.
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  #37 (permalink)  
Old June 4th, 2002
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Streamcast claims that the figures on only show the capabilities of their crawler and the real number of simultanous users should be somewhere around 1,5 millions.

While I don't believe it's that high (although the number of downloads Morpheus PE has on may support that estimation) I think the number of simultaneous users could easily be around 500,000.
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  #38 (permalink)  
Old June 8th, 2002
Join Date: March 18th, 2002
Posts: 7
0160 is flying high
Lightbulb REALLY!?!

if they are as high as 1.5 million or even a 3rd of that. that is extremely large for a network that is 1/10th the speed of DC.

I downloaded a few gigs of movies in much less the time that it took to grab ONE movie using BearShare or LimeWire. I have also downloaded SEVERAL COMPLETE APPS using DC in FAR less time than it took to completely download ONE complete APP using BearShare or LimeWire. I actually had MUCH better luck with BearShare than LimeWire but DC kicked both their tails. The only problem I have now with DC network and their clients is that both DC and DC++ are flakey and buggy while their network is ran by too many bloated egos. There are SOME really cool people out there and I am so glad I have met them but I would say the ratio is 1 to 4 (1 being the cool and 4 being the lame a$$holes that get off on kick/banning at a whims notice).

It could also be that the DC network is less secure in so much it is too easy for anyone to grab some ones IP address and start hacking away at their computer.

Remember, nothing stays the same and nothing is perfect. It is our voices that help make a difference so keep up the feedback as will I. I tell it like it is. I certainly not loyal to any single platform or client so long as a better one rises above the rest.

On a note of security, DEFCON mentioned the development of a new and MORE secure p2p like network which would help to protect peoples identity. Of course it is nearly impossible to attain such a goal and they will probably not achieve 100% anonymous file sharing capabilities as anyone can so a [START] RUN "netstat -a" or use another IP/PORT monitoring binary but at least it would keep SOME of the lame script kiddies at bay.

WHO will be at DEFCON X ? (I MIGHT) from San Diego CA (cost is $75 USD now though.)
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  #39 (permalink)  
Old June 8th, 2002
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VTOLfreak is flying high

I'm the Clean LimeWire "guy" , got something to say !?!
Unless they started blocking clients with BS 2.6.2 noone is blocking noone .

If you remove all the BS hostcaches from the list in BS and put in others BS will happily connect to every client it finds .
Also , try removing all LW hostcaches in LW and put in the list from BS .
Suddenly your LW is connected to nothing but other BS clients .

The only thing out on the net blocking something is LW's hostcache wich only accepts LW clients .

Also , Clean LW is just LW with no ads or spyware .
It does not change anything else .
the concepts "clean" client is not the same as "blocking" client .

"clean" = no spyware or ads in the client
"blocking" = client blocks other clients

Do me and everyone else a favor before you post : RTFM !
This rant is directed at the first "unregistered" post in this trhead .
I did not mean to insult anyone else .
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  #40 (permalink)  
Old June 8th, 2002
Join Date: March 18th, 2002
Posts: 7
0160 is flying high
Thumbs up Glad to meet ya VTOLfreak

I have not tried your clean LW as of yet VTOLfreak but I plan on it.
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