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BearShare Open Discussion Open topic discussion for BearShare users

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old March 16th, 2002
Posts: n/a
Default Introducing the OpenSource Network!

All we have to do to get away from greed, Vinnie and the like is to let them have GNUTELLA CONNECT.
We will change to OPENSOURCE CONNECT/0.6 that way they can never use it and try to use our resources to provide data to their $$$ clients.
You will be assured that you aren't contributing $$ to new car purchases and corporate overhead!
Start coding now! It only takes a one line change. No need to change the entire protocol, it works fine as is.
The new rule/law on the OpenSource network is no commercial greedy clients allowed. If anyone tries to make a buck from their software, and/or doesn't provide source code they are completely blocked.
A list of commercial clients will be posted to this forum and then will be blocked automatically.
No more greed!
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old March 16th, 2002
Posts: n/a

In Gnucleus, "GnucleusDoc.cpp" at about line 115
ModeNetwork = "GNUTELLA";

All you have to do is change it to
ModeNetwork = "OPENSOURCE";

And you are ready to go!
Anyone want to supply a downloadable version?
It wouldn't be hard to add to "Preferences.cpp" a line that would allow this to be changed in the "GnuConfig.ini" file.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old March 16th, 2002
Posts: n/a

And a little "marketing" blurb you can post:

You use your network resources and spend your personal time sharing your
files to the network.
Did you know other people are making big bucks and buying new cars
because of your efforts?
Do you want your efforts to go towards corporate overhead?
Do you spend your time sharing files so other greedy people can get rich?
Are you worried that the RIAA/MPAA can pressure commercial P2P companies
into giving them your personal information through threats of law suits?
If greed is #1 and the RIAA offers them $$$ do you think they will turn it down?
Are you tired of spyware and popup ads?

Join the OpenSource P2P Net today!

No corporate greed is allowed on the OpenSource P2P Net! If a client
does not provide source code and/or tries to make money from their
software, the client is blocked automatically!

No spyware, no popup ads because it's open source!

Only pure P2P file sharing, like it should be!

It's easy! Look for patches or new versions of your favorite open source
client on this forum! Gnucleus is the first to have a easy patch and is ready to
join the OpenSource P2P Net!
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old March 16th, 2002
Posts: n/a

To kick this off we need a few nice people with static IPs to run Gnucleus 24 hrs with the OpenSource connect string mod.
At first it won't take much bandwidth since your node will mostly be used to find other nodes.
Please post your IPs here, thanks.
People wanting to connect should add these IPs to their host cache list and take all the old ones out.
Join today and we can really get this thing kicking!
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old March 16th, 2002
Posts: n/a
Angry You Sir, are a moron

I guess you have no idea how much work is involved in fielding a decent P2P client. Nor do you have a clue what the cost of serving a client to the masses is.

How would you pay for this:
(eg. Morpheus): 15 million files downloaded @ 707KB/user = ~10000 GB of bandwidth.
Considering you can get bandwidth for no less than $2/GB that works out to ~$20000+ StreamCast paid for users to download Morpheus just last week.

That bandwidth doesn't count their web traffic, the cost of web infrastructure, or management/maintenance of it. (I admit, with Morpheusp they have no overhead for development)

So if you think companies are greedy just because they expect some revenues for their development efforts, you're ignorant. Grow up and understand that people work for money, not for your pirating pleasure.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old March 16th, 2002
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lazy dragon - retired mod
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Say what you have to say but without insults!

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  #7 (permalink)  
Old March 16th, 2002
Posts: n/a

DM, are you kidding? There are lots of open source clients more popular than that.
Sourceforge supplies a lot of that bandwidth, and so does rpmfind, freshmeat etc...
No reason to have a profit when everyone contributes a little code and a little bandwidth.
Isn't that what true P2P is all about?
Swabby has been more like a software director lately just inserting patches people have sent him. This is cool.
The RIAA can't do anything about open source clients, you can't stop people from modifying and using their own source code. Commercial for profit clients are the weak link.
If some way is found to DOS the network, a patch can be posted and the DOS attack stopped in minutes!
There are free web servers, mirrors, and the Gnucleus "evolver" will shortly be using P2P to distribute updates!

P2P is free! Let's keep it that way!
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old March 16th, 2002
Posts: n/a

lurker here but sounds interesting i am game
windows 98 + dial up + 65m ram + 4000 files + hours of playtime
how do i get started not a programer where is th program?
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old March 16th, 2002
Posts: n/a

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Unregistered
[B]DM, are you kidding? There are lots of open source clients more popular than that.

You're trying to tell me that there are open source clients more popular than (the o/s) Morpheusp?
All the other open source clients in the world combined do not move the kind of bandwidth StreamCast does.

I think it's typical of clueless developers to think that any kind of coding talent is going to give themselves away to some "good Samaritan" o/s project. If you want to try it, do it, stop talking about it. If you want a P2P app to get big, you will incur huge costs, case closed. If you want to recoup those costs, you will find a revenue stream.

Mod- sorry about the offensive post, i'll tone it down in the future
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old March 17th, 2002
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by Unregistered I think it's typical of clueless developers to think that any kind of coding talent is going to give themselves away to some "good Samaritan" o/s project. If you want to try it, do it, stop talking about it. If you want a P2P app to get big, you will incur huge costs, case closed. If you want to recoup those costs, you will find a revenue stream.
So do you think that Richard Stallman is a clueless developer? How about Linus Torvalds?

Gnucleus and the other open source clients are big enough, and I doubt that Swabby (John) has incurred the huge costs you mention. After you finish pulling your foot out of your mouth, you might want to try one of the open source clients, they're pretty darned good.

The RIAA can wipe out the for-profit companies, but they can never get rid of the open source on the Internet, no matter how hard they try. A for-profit client on a file sharing network? Like that's really gonna fly.

Gnutella is here to stay and so are musicians. They might as well use the best distribution medium around - Gnutella. If they want to get paid, well then there is PayPal. I'm certainly willing to make a donation to the cause, and I'm sure many others are, too.
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