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BearShare Open Discussion Open topic discussion for BearShare users

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  #21 (permalink)  
Old March 18th, 2002
Morgwen's Avatar
lazy dragon - retired mod
Join Date: October 14th, 2001
Location: Germany
Posts: 2,927
Morgwen is flying high

Originally posted by Sephiroth
You just told me to leave so im not welcome here, and called me a troll because i dont agree with you on many things so your comment that everyone is welcome here and everyone is allowed to say their opinion is oviously a lie.
Do you remember that Vinnie started A KICK MORGWEN POLL, because I donīt agree? Do you wonder that NOW after this he is NOT my friend?

And you will tell me I am a mod here and I have to shut up? Hey Sephiroth you are a VIP and YOU ARE ONE OF THE LOUDEST THERE! And YOU can tell your opinion here but I will ALWAYS comment it as YOU do my post on!

If you are only able to write your opinion without any critic you should really stay on - here we have other thinking people (me too) and WE will tell our opinion...

And you are a liar, what was a few weeks ago... zeropaid was a bearsahre foe... Vinnie donīt want to give them an interview and NOW after Xolox is dead and zeropaid has a new mod who likes bearshare and Vinnie - NOW zeropaid is a nice side, yes I see!

ONLY sides that pray Vinnies words are friendly...

And yes bearshare users are welcome here, but they should know if they start a political discussion like YOU they will be commented... if they need help we help them!

And Sephiroth donīt forget we have here NO censorship or secrets forums like we discuss all points in public - and do not move or delete the posts!


Last edited by Morgwen; March 18th, 2002 at 05:51 AM.
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old March 18th, 2002
Morgwen's Avatar
lazy dragon - retired mod
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Location: Germany
Posts: 2,927
Morgwen is flying high

Originally posted by Sephiroth
How many other developers have people posting borg pictures and constant stream of bashing?? I cant name any others. Hell find me anyone who could put up with people flaming them constantly for a very long time and not get ****ed once. Developers are humans too...
You should see a difference between flaming and opinions or jokes...

quote Vinnie:
Morgwen, you are a ****ing imbecile

This is a flame!!!

And Moaks borg picture is a joke...

If you donīt know the difference between irony and flames, its your problem!

I have to repeat we donīt censor OPINIONS here ONLY flames!

So stop your whining...


Last edited by Morgwen; March 18th, 2002 at 05:48 AM.
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old March 18th, 2002
Gnutella Veteran
Join Date: September 21st, 2001
Posts: 110
gnutellafan is flying high

For all of the programers out there hate gnutella and want to do something I suggest that you go over to and help out with the most powerful COMMERCIAL FREE protocol there is. Freenet really is the future of the internet.
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old March 18th, 2002
Posts: n/a


Weaken important structures of the enemy:

1) Crash BS peers providing incoming connections
2) Prevent BS downloads files
3) Stop webpage and propaganda of the enemy
4) Decrease enemy's user base
5) Secret intelligence work

Improve the strength of our own forces and allies:

6) Improve technologies and find more programmer and hacker
7) Improve alternative Gnutella protocol and clients of allies

to 1) Crash BS peers providing incoming connections

A modified Gnutella client "Freedom" will connect continously to the BS hostcaches (with
faked BS identification) and hunt; another modified client "Honour" (also faked BS ID)
which will sneak into the BS network and keeps steady connections to as many enemies as
possible, fools and attacks them.
One single Freedom and one single Honour communicate and work with each other. In future
it might become necesarry to coordinate communication between many Honour clients.

Freedom collects as much as possible IPs of BS peers with incoming connections ('not
firewalled'), crashing them will make connecting to the BS network much harder. Additional
Freedom acts as a TTL2 crawler and searchs for long alive BS peers with incoming
connections, crashing them is our primary target and will segment BS network into smaller
networks or bring it to deadlock. Peers with incoming connections are rare, destroying
them will hurt downloads an functionality of the enemy's network. As soon as BS comes with
Supernodes, they will be high primary target!

Crashing peers can be performed with a various number of (distributed) denial of service
a) Flooding the peer's TCP/IP stack with connection attempts and fill as many as possible
ports for a longest time (Freedom has to inform other Honour clients to flood an enemy
peer and Honuor itself will abuse the enemies with wrong descriptors to attack their own
b) Running an OS detection and crash the oponnent's PC with an exploit. Many hosts do
still run Windows98, Bearshare runs not on Linux.
c) Freedom and Honour can direct attack peers if a known weakness inside the BS clients
itself is detected. Software is never fault safe, finding an easy possibility to crash
BS clients is only a matter of time.

Notes: Ensure that Freedom and Honour can distinguish between friend and foe, make them
shock proof! Enemies (including RIAA) may not be allowed to modify our tools and abuse
them to target against our own allies (no open source, use checksums/scambler against
modifications with hexeditor and debugger). This point is critical! Our technical service
will advice you, our secret service informs about any danger of stealing or of abusing our

to 2) Prevent BS downloads files

A modified client "Honour" will replace as much as possible important BS peers. Typically
Honour should provide incoming connections for other BS clients, our technical service
will advice you about firewall and router settings. Honour will route every traffic
but _no_ Pushs, it will also fake _any_ Queryhit, containing IP/ports of BS clients to
become crashed ("Freedom" will deliver them), it will also fake _any_ Hash and set
Metadata to wrong values while routing.
Download of files will become hard or impossible after PUSHs are eliminated on the enemy's
network. Aditionaly, hundreds of faked Queryhits will tell BS clients to flood one of
their own peers, causing it's brakedown.

Additionally, a programmer team will post patches for all known client to block BS clients
from connection and download. Spread those patches on all known places and update if allied
clients (or enemies behaviour) is modified. Our technical service will support you.

Notes: Ensure that Honour connect only to BS clients, make it shock proof! Allies networks
have to keep safe from traffic modification as far as possible. We expect the enemy will
modify it's own clients to detect our Honour clients, constantly debugging and adjustment
of our technology is required.

to 3) Stop webpage and propaganda of the enemy

A tiger team has to hack into the enemy's webpage -or- flood it with denial of service
attacks. Honour clients with some extra bandwith might launch steady floddings on
the webpage (secondary target) and generate fake Querhits to stop the enemy's home
propaganda. Do not attack the BS hostcaches, they are currently of important strategic
meaning for our own forces!

Additionally, civil helpers will inform users about the disadvantages of the enemy's
client and behaviour. The enemy's home and well known filesharing portals are
destinations for placing information.

to 4) Decrease enemy's user base

This is the goal of our mission. Once the enemy's user base is drastically reduced,
they are running out of spyware reinforcements. Every taken action, civil or
cybermilitary, has to make BS less attractive!

Honour clients with some extra bandwith might launch floddings on random users clients
(secondary target) and drop random incoming connections time by time, so cause the BS
network to be more unstable in the eyes of it's users.

Additionally, civil helpers will inform users about the advantages of our allies. The
enemy's home and well known filesharing portals are destinations for placing information,
news artiles, reports and screenshots. Positive counter propaganda is very important
to decrease the enemy's user base.

to 5) Secret intelligence work

Classified, members only.
Contact our technical support, currently searching virus and network specialists.

to 6) Improve technologies and find more programmer and hacker

Maintainance and devlopment of our tools is most important! Join the allience today
and fight the filesharing evil! We need all type of skills and support, from average
user up to skilled programmer or cyberwarrior. Please contact us!

to 7) Improve alternative Gnutella protocol and clients of allies

Join civil projects to develop an alternative Gnutella network.
Help to improve our allies! More information available in our civil brochure.

Free gnutella!
PS: only theory... don't be scared BS trolls.
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old March 18th, 2002
Posts: n/a

Oh yeah I subscribe... I'll offer an Gnutella virus that will distribute himself and only infects BS clients... after a specific period of time and number of infections it will delete BS and installs an free servent. Oh the codename of this virus will be "Justice"! Yeah, eat this.
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old March 18th, 2002
Gnutella Admirer
Join Date: May 28th, 2001
Posts: 56
Sephiroth is flying high

About all the vinnie and you crap i dont care im not vinnie thats between you two and really has nothing to do with me..

As for the following I dont see how its a joke.. Is it a joke because you say its a joke? Maybe the "flame" against you is just a joke as well then.. You even admitted in a thread that you "make fun" of vinnie here and its ok..

Bullet i posted here a while back really my opinions on gnutella issues namely anti-freeloading restricitions and was flamed by Morgwen and moak called names like a "troll" back then too for really posting my opinions.. Which is why i left this place and havent came back until now.. If you agree with those two than you can get along great but if you dont then your a troll and your posts are considered "whining"

Also you havent been "censored" at the bearshare forums.. Im not the "loud VIP" I have always posted MY opinion about File Sharing since napster and will always continue to post MY opinion. Im not going to jump on every bandwagon that comes through town nor will i be told what to say by anyone..

Originally posted by Morgwen

You should see a difference between flaming and opinions or jokes...

quote Vinnie:
Morgwen, you are a ****ing imbecile

This is a flame!!!

And Moaks borg picture is a joke...

If you donīt know the difference between irony and flames, its your problem!

I have to repeat we donīt censor OPINIONS here ONLY flames!

So stop your whining...

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  #27 (permalink)  
Old March 18th, 2002
Morgwen's Avatar
lazy dragon - retired mod
Join Date: October 14th, 2001
Location: Germany
Posts: 2,927
Morgwen is flying high

Originally posted by Sephiroth
Also you havent been "censored" at the bearshare forums.. Im not the "loud VIP" I have always posted MY opinion about File Sharing since napster and will always continue to post MY opinion. Im not going to jump on every bandwagon that comes through town nor will i be told what to say by anyone..
And I post my Opinion!

I remember you called me and other VIPs on bearshare for this opinion troll too!

So now we are all trolls...

I have to repeat ALL users are welcome here!

But we have not to accept all opinion without comments!

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  #28 (permalink)  
Old March 18th, 2002
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by Unregistered
Oh yeah I subscribe... I'll offer an Gnutella virus that will distribute himself and only infects BS clients... after a specific period of time and number of infections it will delete BS and installs an free servent. Oh the codename of this virus will be "Justice"! Yeah, eat this.
Right, so you and your idealistic notions would become terrorist. I can hardly believe what I read around here. You hate BearShare so much- DONT USE IT.

When you start talking about launching personally motivated DoS attacks on one client (and millions of innocent computer users) you make me hope that you would end up in jail. You and some other folks here might think that BearShare is evil, and that greed "sucks", but leave the users of the software who enjoy its service to themselves. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean that millions of others don't.

Greed does not "suck". Greed is the foundation for capitalism. Capitalism is the reason why you get to sit in your comfy chair in front of your x-thousand dollar computer and spread your socialist rhetoric. If you don't like commercial software, go move to China, and write viruses there.
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old March 18th, 2002
Posts: n/a

DM, Sephiroth and Morgwen, flamewar, thanks for screwing up this thread.
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old March 19th, 2002
Morgwen's Avatar
lazy dragon - retired mod
Join Date: October 14th, 2001
Location: Germany
Posts: 2,927
Morgwen is flying high

Originally posted by Unregistered
DM, Sephiroth and Morgwen, flamewar, thanks for screwing up this thread.
Where did I flame?

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