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  #11 (permalink)  
Old October 18th, 2012
Lord of the Rings's Avatar
Join Date: June 30th, 2004
Location: Middle of the ocean apparently (middle earth)
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Lord of the Rings has a distinguished reputationLord of the Rings has a distinguished reputationLord of the Rings has a distinguished reputation

I was trained in using WordStar. I cannot remember much about it. WordPerfect I also used in both DOS and Windows. I think I used versions 4-6 but might be mistaken. I did like WP's graphics at the time. I vaguely remember something about the formatting for when it needed to be printed.

Something I forgot to mention is MS Word's unorganised use of html and BB Code tags. It throws them all over the place. I see posts created by some moderators on the forum that have obviously been formatted using MS Word. Trying to edit those posts and find which tags belong to which is incredibly difficult. The 'organised' way to use such tags is to place the start and end of the tags as close to each other as possible; ie: where that formatting begins and ends. Word tends to put many of them at the beginning of the document or paragraph, many at the end of the document, some beginning at end of sentences or paragraphs, etc. Very haphazard organisation. It is very difficult to make changes because it is difficult to know which tags belong to which words or sentences. I find it a headache editing such posts.

Adobe do similar hiding of private information as you suggested M$ does. Well, you gave one example that may have been due to Adobe but not exactly the same.
In some work types and work practices such as in the printing industry, providing the licensing information of the Adobe software used is mandatory in some places in the world.

For many years Apple have tried to provide a wysiwyg work environment. They provide a lot of support for their monitors and other devices.
Not forgetting gamma. All graphic input and output devices have a gamma setting of their own. Mac monitors I think are over 2 and Windows monitors under 2. Scanners and printers also have gammas. These may need to be adjusted to suit your computer's monitor or vice-versa. More-so a Windows issue I believe since Mac provides system support for various devices. Though some adjustments might need to be made for some devices that do not provide reliable support. I can't remember too much about it. lol

BASIC was quite easy from memory. And easy to create loops. Using IFs, OR's and ELSEs to send a result back to a particular line of code or to jump/by-pass lines of codes in advance perhaps even to a different module of code.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old October 20th, 2012
Lord of the Rings's Avatar
Join Date: June 30th, 2004
Location: Middle of the ocean apparently (middle earth)
Posts: 665
Lord of the Rings has a distinguished reputationLord of the Rings has a distinguished reputationLord of the Rings has a distinguished reputation

Here is an example of unnecessary extra BBCode MS-Word adds. The top one is mine. Yet both have the identical effect as you will see at bottom of post. If you check the 2nd listing, it looks so crowded with totally unnecessary junky coding that is not even used. This is very typical of MS-Word. Some words even have bb-code added into the middle of the words lol. It makes totally no logical sense at all. My top version shows how simple it could have been (with just 3 simple bb-code formatting tag sets.)
This is just a very small example. Imagine an entire page/large post with similar MS-Word formatting. It becomes a total mess. And a headache to attempt to edit and make any changes to it for the purpose of updating the post.

I wonder if M$ code their web pages that way. lol

HTML Code:
[SIZE=2][B][COLOR=RoyalBlue]Try this: [/COLOR][/B]Click on the Start button > type Click here > ok. You will now see a fresh window named this ... that is your documents folder. That is the folder that you need to locate.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=3][B][COLOR=Red][B][COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=2]Try this:[/SIZE] [/COLOR][/B][/COLOR][/B][COLOR=Red][COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=2][COLOR=Black]Click on the Start button > typ[SIZE=2]e Click here > ok. [/SIZE][/COLOR][/SIZE][/COLOR][/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=3][COLOR=Red][COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=2][COLOR=Black][SIZE=2][SIZE=2]You will now see a fresh window named this[SIZE=2]... tha[SIZE=2]t is your documents folder. That is the [SIZE=2]folder[/SIZE] that you need to locate.[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/COLOR][/SIZE][/COLOR][/COLOR][/SIZE][B][COLOR=Red]
Try this: Click on the Start button > type Click here > ok. You will now see a fresh window named this ... that is your documents folder. That is the folder that you need to locate.

Try this: Click on the Start button > type Click here > ok. You will now see a fresh window named this... that is your documents folder. That is the folder that you need to locate.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old November 8th, 2012
Join Date: November 8th, 2012
Posts: 1
richardtj is a great assister to others; your light through the dark tunnel

I've been using MS word on the Mac for a very very long time and to be honest with you, it's been ported across to Apple's environment very badly. It has a habit of hanging every once in a while (something that no other App does) and slows the computer down considerably. Shame that Apple ditched Appleworks. However, there are opensource alternatives that do a much better job
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