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  #1 (permalink)  
Old October 15th, 2005
Join Date: October 13th, 2005
Posts: 6
mandilou is flying high
Default Problem with Library sorting

Hi! Yesterday I had my LW working just how I wanted it.

I DON'T want my library to sort songs automatically b/c it makes it hard for OCD me to put the songs into my own playlists when I have to look for them.

I went to the ? tab and clicked on more options and unchecked sort automatically. Worked like a charm until I shut down my computer for the night.

Now even when I do that it is still sorting automatically and driving me crazy!!!

Any ideas?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old October 15th, 2005
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Only A Hobo is a great assister to others; your light through the dark tunnel

hum I'm wondering what OCD stands for and if it is Old Computer Dummy that's fine If it's not appologies for my impertinence

On Day two of using Limewire I dissabled the Limewire player because the playback sound was dreadful, and I have not looked at it since! So ... I'm not sure what it does, but in my experience it does nothing very well.

Also I gather that some people manage to save their tunes into something like a Limewire Library, and I don't quite know how they do this either, but it is not a good idea and always seems to cause problems.

I would suggest you use an independent mp3 player there are plenty to choose from... my choice is iTunes ... free download from Apple. If you do this you can choose your iTunes folder as your download folder, and you can create playlists and sort your tunes any way you wish, and this works well for me.

I'm not quite sure from your post if this is the sort of thing you are looking for, but let us know if it makes sense and if you want any more halp
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old October 15th, 2005
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mandilou is flying high

Yes! Thanks!!!!

I have iTunes and am having problems rerouting my songs. I just lost all of them!!!! Frustrating.

So if I choose iTunes as my download folder the songs automatically go there and there are still sources for them?

What I just did was choose another folder to drag and drop the songs from my library into and now they won't play on iTunes and some of them were lost.

GRRRRRRRRRR..... There went a lot of work.

and by the way OCD is obsessive compulsive disorder but the other works too!
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old October 15th, 2005
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Originally posted by Only A Hobo
... you can choose your iTunes folder as your download folder, and you can create playlists and sort your tunes any way you wish, and this works well for me.
Although this might work ok for you, I wouldn't necessarily recommend it to everyone. I've seen it cause a lot of problems for people using their iTunes music library as the LW downld folder. I also saw a similar issue on the iTunes forum. But then i guess it depends also on how you organise your iTunes library. Smack me in the face if you think I'm wrong. lol
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old October 15th, 2005
Join Date: October 13th, 2005
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mandilou is flying high

Thanks for the advice guys (gals) it's great.

So I can choose my iTunes as the download folder (I'll try to figure that out) which sounds appealing as I really like iTunes.

LOTR--do you have any other suggestions for management? Like I said I just lost a lot of music and can't figure out how that happened.

So back to my original question--how do I stop my Library from automatically sorting.

Damn Libraries with a mind of their own
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old October 15th, 2005
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Only A Hobo is a great assister to others; your light through the dark tunnel

Mandilou ... Moving iTunes tunes means that iTunes cannot find them and it is abit of a pain until you find a method to do it that works for you. In Mac there is a neat thing which may be in windows ... but I can colour files or folders. If I move any number of iTunes folders I colour them, I go to iTunes File>add to library and browse for the coloured files ... select them all and click choose (or whatever it is) and they all load straight into iTunes. You need to do this even if you have moved them into the iTunes folder. Only problem here is that you will have duplicate entries for all these files in iTunes, and weeding out the ones that no longer work is a bit of a chore.

Your tues will be there somewhere unless, God forbid, you have deleted them from the Limewire library.. I just hope you haven't.

LOTR All my music files from any source go into my iTunes folder when they are added to the iTunes library(either automatically by Limewire or manually) they automatically go into folders by artist name. I have duplicates of none. I share certain artist folders from the iTunes folder, and it gives me no problems atall. I'm interested to know what problems this might cause. Also I'm not sure how or if this wold work in Windows.

BTW mandilou I wrote this before I saw your last post ... had a few interruptions!
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old October 15th, 2005
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Only A Hobo is a great assister to others; your light through the dark tunnel

Mandilou, can you do a search on your computer for one of the lost files? if you haven't found them

Are you using Windows or Mac?

When you say automatic sorting.... surely you want some sort of sorting system
Exactly what do you mean? ...

This Hobo's a Guy
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old October 15th, 2005
Join Date: October 13th, 2005
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mandilou is flying high

Thanks Hobo!

I've now got all of my songs going into a limewire playlist in itunes and so now I won't ever delete my library again (yes unfortunately I DID!!!)

Live and learn I guess.

I have Windows, and what I mean by sorting is that--when the library is automatically sorting, the songs go into the library in alphabetical order which means that they integrate with the songs already there. At one time they went into the library at the bottom of the entire list so I knew exactly which ones I had just downloaded (so I could put them into iTunes and THEN playlist them.

Again thanks for all your input--I am inexperienced and your help is MUCH appreciated.

Sorry for calling you a girl
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old October 15th, 2005
On Holiday
Join Date: April 20th, 2005
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Only A Hobo is a great assister to others; your light through the dark tunnel

Mandilou said "Sorry for calling you a girl" I didn't think you did .. I thought you were just covering your back for all eventualities.

Sorry about the files! I did not think to warn you On my version of Limewire it is not possible to delete files from the Library. Yet apparently it is still possible on everyone elses. I wish to God Limewire would remove this totally useless option! End of my daily rant on the subject.

I'm not quite sure how iTunes works in Windows, but at any rate you can order the iTunes library by "date added", or by "Name" , or almost anything else by right clicking on the bar above the tunes and selecting any one of many column headings. Then clcking on the top of that column will order the items as per that column ... I hope you undestand what I mean!

Good Luck
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old January 8th, 2006
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