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Pedophillia Warning!!! We have a pedophile distributing filth on the P2P network. Don't know how much else is out there, but this is one of the files : do not, ever again, post such keywords in this forum I don't know what if anything can be done about this pervert but I aseem to remember a thread about catching another distributer. Porn is one thing, this is just illegal, sick filth!!!!! |
Agreed! I've come across files with Pedo named with them also. I wondered if it was someone's name like pedro. lol :D duh! :rolleyes: That was till I checked one out to be sure. Whoops! It seems to be a semi-attempt at masking using an abbreviated term. I'm guessing all those after pedophilia search the term pedo. I guess you could report it here http://www.ifccfbi.gov as even if you're not from USA, AFAIK there's international cooperation re: pedophilia. |
Well, I've tried that so I'll wait and see. If anything happens I'll keep this forum posted. |
in the Location column it has the ip address of the download source. cant they be traced through that. often sites say your ip address is logged in case of illegal activity. why log it if it cant be traced? |
one of the main IP addresses seem sto be 20*.130.*.*. Also a searcg for do not, ever again, post such keywords in this forum finds about 30+ images!!! Sick, sick, sick. Where's my GUN!!!!!! Sorry but we need to remain consistent on the forum. No emails addys, no ip addresses, etc. are allowed to be posted. |
Towards the end of the document you kindly provided the link for is the quote "wouldn't come across them unless actively looking" -This is not completely true. If you do a what's new search and inadvertently highlight the wrong file to download by definition that action is unintentional. Thus the author of the document seems to me to be protecting the software and balming the users. Rather like the gun argument. Guns don'[t kill people, people do. But why make and distribute certain kinds of guns in the first place. Just so they can be used to shoot tin cans, I think NOT!!!!!If the authors of the software were truley worried about it's miss use, I'm sure they could tighten up on what I can be used for. For example, hard coded licence requirements, rather than an optional setting allowing you to disregard the requirment. Anyway, this is getting off topic. Legal or otherwise, I think there is one hell of a difference between the redistribution of a Movie and the redistribution of child abuse in any form. Angelfish |
Thanks for the link Peerless. |
Key word searched for one. Also description filters " do not, ever again, post such keywords in this forum" is a popular one. AOL uses a very sophisticed Spam filter that is very impressiv. The technology could be adapted I'm sure. I have one or two years experience in the IT Business my self and know what can be done. I disagree with the comparasion between hardware and software. If we can virus and spam filter, I'm sure we can Pedo Filter to an extent. However far more importantly is the ability to track back to the originators IP Address and take action. If the IP address is displayed then it can be traced. Also the file I'm talking about contaning a 4 year old. I don't think that is leagl in any country. |
LW already has keyword filters. Add them yourself. Add Pedo, etc. & then you won't have to worry about it anymore. How to use the Keyword Filter It's very handy & effective & can be used to get rid of most porn also. ;) |
I know how to add the filters. I'm talking about hardcoded filters (ie built into the software). Then again I can see problems with that. I think more importantly is the traceability.. If a 15 year old girl can be prosecuted for sharing music via a P2P network I am dam sure Pedophiles can be caught. It would be useful if there was an alert mechanism built in that could send a report to the appropriate authority. What do you think? |
Limewire is open source. You're free to add these types of things to your own version. But start bringing in what you're suggesting, then it's auto-report to RIAA for music copyright infringement, MPIA for movie copyright, etc. You'd destroy the merits of a very good program. Already LW is under pressure & brought in the licensing warning option. Enough is enough. This is not a police state where I live & am not into dictatoral environments. Perhaps you are. What if someone downlds a setchy file by mistake but it sits in their share for days or weeks because they hadn't got around to checking it. That person could find themselves convicted as a Pedophile despite their total opposition to Pedophilia. Such an option will bring in more such options & before you know it ... It'd be like an auto booking system on your car. You momentarily pass the speed limit by 3 km/h or 3 M/h whilst passing a car or coming over a large hill & you get an automatic ticket (even if you were several ticks below the speed limit as you were going up the hill). lol :D What's the world coming to. Oh don't forget you can block hosts. So if you find such a person (if they have multiple such files & are obviously collecting & sharing that type of topic), then you can report & block them. |
OK. Love a good discussion. Funs over. However, how about this for a scenario. I've joined the group, posted a few messages, asked a few questions and have now decided that the P2P network is the perfect place to distribute Kiddie porn. Acording to you guys I'd be completely untouchable. Cool. Fortunatley I don't do that kind of thing. I don't live in a police state and woudn't report somone for selling pirate DVD's or littering (both crimes) I would however, report someone for making a Kiddie porn movie. I think a line needs to be drawn somewere that's all. Over and Out. BTW, the net in monitered constantly. I've worked for the security services and know that "Big Brother" watches us all. |
BTW I am aware/know of someone who does work for a special unit of policing in multiple areas but one also being the area of this topic. This person is a member of the forum. Unfortunately they've been too busy to be around of late. |
Respect for privacy...... Yes an interesting point. Lets leave everyone do what ever they want and nobody stick there nose in. That way we'll all be happy right. Why do theose nasty policemen monitor road speed, and store detectivers try to stiop the hard working thief. I mean those pescy virus scanners are such a pain for the hardworking code writers. I think this concpet has a political basis. Thats right it "ITS's CALLED ANARCHY!" |
UPDATE AT LEAST SOMEONE IS INTERESTED ENOUGH TO TRY TO DO SOMETHING!!!!!!! We at the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children received the information that you reported to IC3.gov. Thank you for making a report. All of the information you provided is currently accessible by those federal law enforcement agencies handling child sexual exploitation. I have some additional questions regarding the incident: 1) What is the nickname or username of the suspect sharing the file? 2) What is the exact date and time of the incident? What is your computer time zone? 3) What is the IP address of the suspect sharing the illegal material? 4) Was the file downloaded and viewed? If yes, please describe. If you downloaded any of the material in question, you may now be in possession of illegal child pornography. Even if you have deleted the file, it may still be present on your computer. In addition, other users on the P2P network may be able to upload the file from you. We generally suggest that you contact law enforcement in your area and request assistance in removing the file from your computer. Please let me know about the above when you have a chance. Thank you for your help, Kimberly NCMEC |
Nice work! I presume you provided the ip address & date. BTW There's a no. of free utilities around that can permanently delete files from your hard disk drive. Here's one & a list of more at the bottom of the page: http://www.pcworld.com/downloads/fil...d,22393,00.asp And here's some more: http://www.download.com/3120-20_4-0....&search=+Go%21 |
1 Attachment(s) Oh yes. and I've used a Department of Defence 5220.25M Secure Deletion tool so It should be pretty well scattered to the 4 winds!!!!! |
Here's another link to many national sites used to report child abuse. Click on your country to find the links to the appropriate authority. http://www.virtualglobaltaskforce.co...contactus.html |
Hey everyone; Thanks for the links to reporting this behaviour. I can't believe that in this day and age this sort behaviour is actually occuring in the world. I use LW and I have some questions: I like to know how to block all this material from the searches. I mean I have the block adult content on; it still gets through. I type in key words....and still it gets through. It's annoying, frustrating, and it saddens me that somewhere there is a child in need of help. Why can't LW just have music only instead of vid's and pics. |
Add those suggested here to your keyword filter: Direct instructions to eliminate porn from results. This is a start & you may even think of others. Also see Movie download issues & learn to use bitzi look up when searching for videos. ie: How to use Bitzi Web Lookup |
Ok, thanks for the info...I didn't know about that sort of stuff as I am new to the P2P "thingy". |
NCMEC? Really? This message is in response to Ms. Kimberly of the NCMEC, who posted (or was quoted) above. I am relieved and gladdened to see somebody on the "inside" add to this discussion. As to your "additional questions," I am a bit puzzled by number four. I would like to know how somebody reporting this stuff could download and view it and avoid any type of culpability themselves. I don't think I need to tell you that many times these files are downloaded accidentally by people that have no desire or intention whatsoever to view this type of material. Forcing them to watch and "describe" it rings of entrapment to me. Also, I would be curious to find out more information about the prosecution and tracking of child pornography files via P2P. A cursory glance of the posts in this and other threads will reveal many people that have accidentally downloaded a file of this nature and are now in fear of their freedom and lives. I have a friend that works for my state's district court, and his response to this issue is that significant cause must be shown to the court by the authorities to investigate anyone on these types of charges, and somebody that has accidentally downloaded this material--and has subsequently deleted it and beyond--has nothing to worry about should the authorities confiscate their machine (a foregone conclusion). There are several steps in which people investigate the facts, and they must determine that there is enough evidence to proceed in order for them to do so. What are your (or anyone's) thoughts? |
yes ..i do so called what they call search the browser and ..wow how this this stuff can happen its be yond me but then a gain how can 1000"s of ppl come across the border that shouldn'nt be there AND CARRYING ALOT OF THE MEMORY CARDS THAT COME FROM CAMERAS..AND THE drugs but thats a different thread...STAND UP AND BE COUNTED |
Just seen this If you were in the security forces, then you would know how to track an Ip Address, the first thing I learned in the Armed Forces is how to do that, You would also know that all connections in the UK go through 2 computers, which is constantly monitered for security reasons (won't tell you where, you should know) You should also be aware that you can browse the person your getting your film from you can get their Ip address, then you can track them back, to where they are. One other thing, You should also know that your ISP can retrace every move you made on the Internet, every site, IP address, exct Now If you were in the security forces you should know this By the way 5220.25M, is a pile of rubbish, all it does really is gets rid of the stuff out of the recycle bin, and deletes the top of the file (It is not meant to secure the hard drive) And as you should also know No file that has been deleted can not be recovered, even using Military software, we were told to open the hard drives, take out the disks, and burn them, or destroy them anyway possible Sgt |
hello there.i'm new to LW and have just come across whats obviously child porn.I actually done a search within the forum for 'porn' to see what if anything is being said/done about it.It has reassured me,if only slightly,that angelfish got a reply from those people.Whoever is doing this obviously relishes it and if you're reading this you sicko WHEN you go to prison, take my word for it,you'll be experiencing a great deal of physical pain. |
Can I just say, Ive meat some of these people, and they are NOT sick, they are simply evil... no I'm not a God botherer, but when you have had honset conversation as I have (don't ask) with people like this, it becomes obvious that they weren't in the original plan. |
Pedo discussion...let's cool down a little... OK...I''ve read all 30 odd posts about the "pedo" search on LW/FW, etc...all I can say is take it easy. Pedophilia is difficult to understand, and abhorrent to most people in the world (jokes about Greek families nonwithstanding). But, as with all true "addictions", this is a case where the brain, etc., has taken over from concious choice. These people are truly not in control of their conciousness. And rather than vilifying them (because villification will only make them harder to find), we should be (a) neutralizing their efforts, by vigilantly pursuing those who try to promulgate their stuff on P2P networks, and (b) isolating them in controlled environments so we can begin to understand just what could make some people want to do this. Also, this whole subject of underage sex is a very slippery topic (no pun intended). Sure, it's easy to single out the perv next door who's taking digital snaps of your 5-year-old daughter's privates in the bathroom, but what about the art photographer taking sensitive nudes? What about the traditional naked baby on the rug shots? And what about teenage sex? If I have a 17-year-old son having sex with his 15-year-old girlfriend, does/should that sex become illegal when he turns 18? (I don't think so, but I'm f*c*ing POSITIVE that some jerk is gonna reply to me, quoting god and megadeath that such acts are REPREHENSIBLE to the REAL god.) And what about the age of consent? In IL it's 18; in other states it's 16; in the Netherlands it's 14. Who's right? I urge you to keep up the good fight to keep kid porn off P2P networks. And I also urge you to have compassion for the people who are controlled by their desires for such stuff. And don't give me that free-will BS...people who desire this stuff DON'T have a free will anymore. I'll take that to the bank. |
At Last Some Sanity Kudos to Mike for the above post. Not only was it well said, but well thought out to boot. I agree that pedophiles do not have a "choice" in the matter. What is true in most cases is that these people have been sexually abused as children. The massive phsychological damage that results from these experiences very often evolves into a taste for pornography involving children, which in its own twisted way perpetuates the results of the abuse. Those pedophiles that act on their impulses and abuse children then cause those children to become pedophiles, and on and on. While I'm by no means defending pedophilia or child pornography, I think it's important to keep things like this in mind. Yes, it most definitely is sick, but in a way it's also sad. In reference to "taking it easy," all I can say is that a large number of people that use LW to download legit porn have, at least once, come across something questionable with regard to age. Some examples I've seen are clearly NOT of age, and some are close enough to legal to give one pause. Regardless, most people the come across the stuff freak out, thinking that in five minutes the FBI will be knocking at their door. The worst part about is that there does not seem to be much good information out there about what should be done when this happens. Another problem is that a lot of porn now is of the homemade (or "amateur") variety, and the age of these people, regardless of what the filename may say, is very likely impossible to verify (for either us or the authorities). What about that stuff? Should a file claiming that it's of somebody 17 years old be taken literally? When does prudence give way to paranoia? |
How do you know that it is true in most cases? This is certainly something that has been associated with the issue as causatory, however since it is a circular dependancy, it has to fall back on some other sort of cause. Since after all, the first child abusor could not have been created by child abuse. |
it makes me sick to my stomach that when you search adult on Limewire you get CP downloads, its disgusting. I was downloading a porn video (as i used to do and never had a problem) And when i previewed the file a man walked into the room with a young girl, i felt sick and saw that the file name had no mention of CP. It just awful and very worrying, i deleted the file before it had finished downloading and defragged my computer. Luckily i didnt see anything otherwise i dnt think i would have been able to cope. This really is a serious problem guys!! |
The solution is obvious. Get all your porn from anywhere else than the random chance of a P2P network. Even the alt.binaries.erotic newsgroups are more reliable. |
yeh i dont want anything to do with limewire anymore! |
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