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  #1 (permalink)  
Old February 25th, 2006
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Default MPAA Shutting down P2P servers filing suits

Seems the MPAA is going after P2P again still after servers but just how much longer do we have before they start chasing us Gnutella users aggressively.

While I do believe they will attempt to shut down thew rest of the file sharing apps first due to the fact they are server dependent and easier to shut down by going after the servers before long they are going to start after us.

Does anybody know of a ligament site where us end users can make donations for the upcoming legal battles that us end users are going to face.
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A little common sense goes a long way

Later Grandpa
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old February 26th, 2006
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Very interesting Grandpa,

I figure they will eventually go after the isp's to shut down Gnutella clients. They already have the means to do it with filtering shaping blocking or whatever. I think it's just a matter of time. At least in the US anyway. Thats just my opinion but you know they're going to try something.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old February 26th, 2006
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They can't do that.

The courts in several countries and at all levels in the U.S.
have already established that P2P software has substantial
noninfringing uses and any attempt to reverse that position
would require years and millions of dollars.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old February 26th, 2006
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The most effective (and legitmate) organisation in the US I've seen so far is

In Canada, I follow where Dr Geist leads

Geist also edits a newsletter summarizing the international news regarding IP law. I've found it gives an excellent snapshot of the way the whole IP law mess is shaping up internationally.

Subscribe at
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old February 28th, 2006
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Yes they can do it. Dont you know by now that the RIAA/MPAA IS above the law and IS the law and can sue whomever they dam well please no matter where you live even if they laws dont apply to your country?

Whats funny is, even If they shut down one host or P2P client, a thousand more will go up. so pointless.

Last edited by Sphinx; February 28th, 2006 at 10:02 AM.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old February 28th, 2006
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AaronWalkhouse is a great assister to others; your light through the dark tunnel

They tried their act up here in Canada once, met our laws
and judges, and that was enough to stop them cold.

They turned one of our weakminded Liberal politicians and
that poor woman was out of a job by the very next election.

They tried to accuse Canada of failing to live up to WIPO only
to be shown how badly they had misread that simple document.

They have never won a suit against any one of the
thousands of people they have tried to sue, and will soon be
forced into court to be defeated soundly.

About all they have actually done in the past few years is
prove how corrupt and gullible american politicians are, and
have shown the whole world how desperately the american
legal system is in need of leadership to prevent future
abuses and frivolous lawsuits.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old February 28th, 2006
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Sphinx is flying high

er, yes they have WON, many cases, small cases, they sued a 12 year old girl from the States a few years back remember? she had TV theme songs she was sharing. She had a thousand plus songs & lived the Projects, her mom was single and didnt have the money to pay the fines so she had to raise it. The little girl was forced to delete her songs. cant remember the P2P app she used at the time. another case was a 78 year old grandfather, whos grandson was downloading music, and got sued. so yes, they ARE winning, you're just not hearing much about it anymore.

and its showing how little you know about American Law. Our gov has nothing to do with the RIAA. The RIAA does what it wants, when it wants. Has nothing to do with our fat, ugly, greedy, scumbag Dem/Rep Politians.

Last edited by Sphinx; February 28th, 2006 at 10:05 AM.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old February 28th, 2006
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That wasn't winning, that was bullying and tricking
the weak into settling before a judge could hear the
case. Not once have they gone to court, at
, and they only fooled their victims into coughing up
token three and four-figure amounts in a small minority of
cases. The vast majority of suits were abandoned, yes
abandoned, when they realized they totally screwed
up the evidence or the intended victim refused to roll over.

Oddly enough, all of their "victories" were over people who
couldn't even afford to go to court to get the suits thrown
out, even though a vast majority of such "suits" would
have fallen apart under the merest glance of a real judge.
Isn't that a marvelous coincidence? When tort reform
comes up for debate again, these muggings will provide
plenty of discussion points.

This streak of avoiding the courts will end shortly.
One of their intended victims is forcing the suit into court
and she is going to win. The money is in place and the
experts have prepared their submissions. Once this suit is
given the treatment it deserves, other victims will have
some teeth and claws of their own to defend themselves with.

As for your "fat, ugly, greedy, scumbag Dem/Rep Politians",
ask (for example) Senator Holling from Utah why he
is spending so much time representing the media
industries in California, Tennessee and New York, inventing
ever more fanciful "laws" which never get passed, and why
does he spend so much time in the company of industry
lobbyists who probably couldn't find Utah on a map
without help from a gradeschooler. He probably won't
want to talk about how rich that particular lobby is,
aside from parrotting whatever talking points on that
subject they have thoughtfully provided in advance.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old February 28th, 2006
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It's all about money. I don't think the riaa/mpaa are interested in suing the average user of p2p network. There's no money in it. Plus they would be shooting themselves in the foot by going after the consumers that they want to buy their products. Though they could go after a couple people to try and scare others off.

What I think they will do (and what they are already doing) is go after the p2p networks. If that means getting the laws changed then they have the power to do it. Especially with a sympathetic administration in the White House. Also if something does pass I think the US will pressure Canada and the UK to follow suite.

Did you read the second article in Grandpa's post?
The operators of this eDonkey site chose not to exercise control over files being traded by users which including those containing child pornography, bomb-making instructions and terrorist training videos.
That right there is an example of the way they could turn things around to get what they want. Also I'm not so sure that they have to change laws, maybe just set some precedent that could have far reaching effects in the courtrooms.

I don't know the law so I can't get into a legal debate. These are just a few of the things rattling around inside my head.
If it ain't broke, fix it till it is!

Last edited by 6_pac; February 28th, 2006 at 11:57 PM.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old February 28th, 2006
On Holiday
Join Date: August 7th, 2005
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Sphinx is flying high

I don't think the riaa/mpaa are interested in suing the average user of p2p network.
I guess you guys dont read the news? YES, they are suing average users. Whether its by bullying or in a court of law.

I have roughly, a tousand music files I have collected over the years and if I were to be as active as I once was, I'd get a RIAA botice. Happened ot me before on Napster before it soldout. and, I only had a couple hundred files back then.

If you dont believe me, then, go test the waters and share over a thousand plus files and see what happens?
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